All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractComponent<ConfT extends ComponentConfiguration> |
The base class represents a component.
AbstractConfiguration<T extends AbstractConfiguration> |
Abstract configuration.
AbstractDNSToSwitchMapping |
This is a base class for DNS to Switch mappings.
AbstractHashProvider<P extends HashParameters> |
Base implementation for hash function providers.
AbstractHierarchicalLedgerManager |
An abstract class for managing hierarchical ledgers.
AbstractIncrementalIntHash |
Base implementation for incremental stateless integer hash functions.
AbstractIncrementalLongHash |
Base implementation for incremental stateless long integer hash functions.
AbstractIntCrc |
Base implementation of int-width CRC functions.
AbstractLifecycleComponent<ConfT extends ComponentConfiguration> |
AbstractLogCompactor |
Abstract entry log compactor used for compaction.
AbstractLogCompactor.LogRemovalListener |
AbstractLogCompactor.Throttler |
class Throttler.
AbstractLongCrc |
Base implementation of long-width CRC functions.
AbstractSlogger |
Abstract implementation of slogger.
AbstractSlogger.Level |
Levels at which slogger can slog.
AbstractStatefulHash |
Base implementation for stateful hash functions.
AbstractStatelessIntHash |
Base implementation for stateless (but not incremental) integer hash
AbstractStatelessLongHash |
Base implementation for stateless (but not incremental) long integer hash
AbstractZkLedgerManager |
Abstract ledger manager based on zookeeper, which provides common methods such as query zk nodes.
AbstractZkLedgerManagerFactory |
Abstract ledger manager factory based on zookeeper, which provides common
methods such as format and validateAndNukeExistingCluster.
AdminCommand |
Command to update cookie.
AdminCommand.AdminFlags |
Flags for admin command.
AlertStatsLogger |
This class is used to raise alert when we detect an event that should never happen in production.
ArrayGroupSort |
Sort an array of longs, grouping the items in tuples.
ArrayUtil |
Utility to serialize/deserialize longs into byte arrays.
AsyncCallback |
Defines all the callback interfaces for the async operations in bookkeeper client.
AsyncCallback.AddCallback |
Async Callback for adding entries to ledgers.
AsyncCallback.AddCallbackWithLatency |
Async Callback for adding entries to ledgers with latency information.
AsyncCallback.AddLacCallback |
Async Callback for updating LAC for ledgers.
AsyncCallback.CloseCallback |
Async Callback for closing ledgers.
AsyncCallback.CreateCallback |
Async Callback for creating ledgers.
AsyncCallback.DeleteCallback |
Async Callback for deleting ledgers.
AsyncCallback.IsClosedCallback |
Async Callback for checking if a ledger is closed.
AsyncCallback.OpenCallback |
Async Callback for opening ledgers.
AsyncCallback.ReadCallback |
Async Callback for reading entries from ledgers.
AsyncCallback.ReadLastConfirmedAndEntryCallback |
Async Callback for long polling read request.
AsyncCallback.ReadLastConfirmedCallback |
Async Callback for reading LAC for ledgers.
AsyncCallback.RecoverCallback |
Async Callback for recovering ledgers.
Auditor |
Auditor is a single entity in the entire Bookie cluster and will be watching
all the bookies under 'ledgerrootpath/available' zkpath.
AuditorBookieCheckTask |
AuditorCheckAllLedgersTask |
AuditorElector |
Performing auditor election using Apache ZooKeeper.
AuditorPlacementPolicyCheckTask |
AuditorReplicasCheckTask |
AuditorStats |
AuditorTask |
AuditorTask.ShutdownTaskHandler |
ShutdownTaskHandler used to shutdown auditor executor.
AuthCallbacks |
Callbacks for AuthProviders.
AuthCallbacks.GenericCallback<T> |
Generic callback used in authentication providers.
AuthHandler |
AuthHandler.AuthenticationException |
AuthHandler.ClientSideHandler |
AuthHandler.ServerSideHandler |
AuthHandler.ServerSideHandler.AuthResponseCallback |
AuthHandler.ServerSideHandler.AuthResponseCallbackLegacy |
AuthProviderFactoryFactory |
A factory to manage the authentication provider factories.
AuthToken |
A generic payload for Authentication Messages.
AutoCloseableLifecycleComponent |
Allows for AutoClosable resources to be added to the component
lifecycle without having to implement ServerLifecycleComponent directly.
AutoRecoveryMain |
Class to start/stop the AutoRecovery daemons Auditor and ReplicationWorker.
AutoRecoveryService |
AutoRecoveryStatusService |
HttpEndpointService that handles Autorecovery status related http requests.
AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger |
Ordered collection of SequenceGroups will represent entries of the ledger
residing in a bookie.
Backoff |
Implements various backoff strategies.
Backoff.Constant |
A constant backoff policy.
Backoff.Exponential |
A exponential backoff policy.
Backoff.Jitter |
A Jittered backoff policy.
Backoff.Jitter.Type |
Jitter type.
Backoff.Policy |
Back off policy.
BatchedArrayBlockingQueue<T> |
This implements a BlockingQueue backed by an array with fixed capacity.
BatchedBlockingQueue<T> |
BatchedReadEntryProcessor |
BatchedReadOp |
BKCommand<CommandFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
Base bk command class.
BKCommandCategories |
Classes to keep a list of command categories.
BKException |
Super class for all errors which occur using BookKeeper client.
BKException |
Class the enumerates all the possible error conditions.
BKException.BKAddEntryQuorumTimeoutException |
Bookkeeper add entry quorum timeout exception.
BKException.BKBookieException |
Bookkeeper bookie exception.
BKException.BKBookieHandleNotAvailableException |
Bookkeeper bookie handle not available exception.
BKException.BKClientClosedException |
Bookkeeper client closed exception.
BKException.BKDataUnknownException |
Bookkeeper ledger in limbo and data may or may not exist.
BKException.BKDigestMatchException |
Bookkeeper digest match exception.
BKException.BKDigestNotInitializedException |
Bookkeeper digest not initialized exception.
BKException.BKDuplicateEntryIdException |
Bookkeeper duplicate entry id exception.
BKException.BKIllegalOpException |
Bookkeeper illegal operation exception.
BKException.BKIncorrectParameterException |
Bookkeeper incorrect parameter exception.
BKException.BKInterruptedException |
Bookkeeper interrupted exception.
BKException.BKLedgerClosedException |
Bookkeeper ledger closed exception.
BKException.BKLedgerExistException |
Bookkeeper ledger exist exception.
BKException.BKLedgerFencedException |
Bookkeeper ledger fenced exception.
BKException.BKLedgerIdOverflowException |
Bookkeeper ledger id overflow exception.
BKException.BKLedgerRecoveryException |
Bookkeeper ledger recovery exception.
BKException.BKMetadataSerializationException |
Bookkeeper metadata serialization exception.
BKException.BKMetadataVersionException |
Bookkeeper metadata version exception.
BKException.BKNoSuchEntryException |
Bookkeeper no such entry exception.
BKException.BKNoSuchLedgerExistsException |
Bookkeeper no such ledger exists exception.
BKException.BKNoSuchLedgerExistsOnMetadataServerException |
Bookkeeper no such ledger exists on metadata server exception.
BKException.BKNotEnoughBookiesException |
Bookkeeper not enough bookies exception.
BKException.BKProtocolVersionException |
Bookkeeper protocol version exception.
BKException.BKQuorumException |
Bookkeeper quorum exception.
BKException.BKReadException |
Bookkeeper read exception.
BKException.BKReplicationException |
Bookkeeper replication exception.
BKException.BKSecurityException |
Bookkeeper security exception.
BKException.BKTimeoutException |
Bookkeeper timeout exception.
BKException.BKTooManyRequestsException |
Bookkeeper too many requests exception.
BKException.BKUnauthorizedAccessException |
Bookkeeper unauthorized access exception.
BKException.BKUnclosedFragmentException |
Bookkeeper unclosed fragment exception.
BKException.BKUnexpectedConditionException |
Bookkeeper unexpected condition exception.
BKException.BKWriteException |
Bookkeeper write exception.
BKException.BKWriteOnReadOnlyBookieException |
Bookkeeper write on readonly bookie exception.
BKException.Code |
Codes which represent the various exception types.
BKException.Code |
Legacy interface which holds constants for BookKeeper error codes.
BKException.MetaStoreException |
Metastore exception.
BKException.ZKException |
Zookeeper exception.
BKFlags |
Default BK flags.
BKHttpServiceProvider |
Bookkeeper based implementation of HttpServiceProvider,
which provide bookkeeper services to handle http requests
from different http endpoints.
BKHttpServiceProvider.Builder |
Builder for HttpServiceProvider.
BKStats |
Bookie Server Stats.
BKStats.OpStatData |
A read view of stats, also used in CompositeViewData to expose to JMX.
BKStats.OpStats |
Operation Statistics.
BlockingMpscQueue<T> |
Blocking queue optimized for multiple producers and single consumer.
Bookie |
Interface for the bookie.
Bookie.NoEntryException |
Exception is thrown when no such an entry is found in this bookie.
Bookie.NoLedgerException |
Exception is thrown when no such a ledger is found in this bookie.
BookieAddressResolver |
Maps a logical BookieId to a ResolvedBookieSocketAddress
that it to a network address.
BookieAddressResolver.BookieIdNotResolvedException |
This error happens when there is not enough information to resolve a BookieId
to a BookieSocketAddress, this can happen when the Bookie is down
and it is not publishing its EndpointInfo.
BookieAddressResolverDisabled |
Resolve legacy style BookieIDs to Network addresses.
BookieAuthProvider |
Bookie authentication provider interface.
BookieAuthProvider.Factory |
A factory to create the bookie authentication provider.
BookieAuthZFactory |
Authorization factory class.
BookieClient |
Low level client for talking to bookies.
BookieClientImpl |
Implements the client-side part of the BookKeeper protocol.
BookieCommand<BookieFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
This is a mixin for bookie related commands to extends.
BookieConfiguration |
BookieConnectionPeer |
Represents the connection to a BookKeeper client, from the Bookie side.
BookieCriticalThread |
Thread is marked as critical and will exit, when there is an uncaught
exception occurred in thread.
BookieException |
Signals that a Bookie exception of some sort has occurred.
BookieException.BookieIllegalOpException |
Signals that an illegal operation attempts to access the data in a bookie.
BookieException.BookieUnauthorizedAccessException |
Signals that an unauthorized operation attempts to access the data in a bookie.
BookieException.Code |
An exception code indicates the failure reason.
BookieException.CookieExistException |
Signal that cookie already exists when creating a new cookie.
BookieException.CookieNotFoundException |
Signal that no cookie is found when starting a bookie.
BookieException.DataUnknownException |
Signal when a ledger is in a limbo state and certain operations
cannot be performed on it.
BookieException.DiskPartitionDuplicationException |
Signals when multiple ledger/journal directories are mounted in same disk partition.
BookieException.EntryLogMetadataMapException |
Signal that error while accessing entry-log metadata map.
BookieException.InvalidCookieException |
Signal that an invalid cookie is found when starting a bookie.
BookieException.LedgerFencedException |
Signals that a ledger has been fenced in a bookie.
BookieException.MetadataStoreException |
Signal when bookie has problems on accessing metadata store.
BookieException.OperationRejectedException |
Signals that a ledger's operation has been rejected by an internal component because of the resource saturation.
BookieException.UnknownBookieIdException |
Signal when bookie has problems on accessing metadata store.
BookieException.UpgradeException |
Signals that an exception occurs on upgrading a bookie.
BookieFileChannel |
A FileChannel for the JournalChannel read and write, we can use this interface to extend the FileChannel
which we use in the JournalChannel.
BookieId |
This is an identifier for a BookieID.
BookieImpl |
Implements a bookie.
BookieImpl.NopWriteCallback |
BookieInfoReader |
BookieInfoReader.BookieInfo |
A class represents the information (e.g.
BookieInfoReader.State |
Tracks whether there is an execution in progress as well as whether
another is pending.
BookieInfoService |
HttpEndpointService that exposes the current info of the bookie.
BookieInfoService.BookieInfo |
POJO definition for the bookie info response.
BookieIsReadyService |
HttpEndpointService that returns 200 if the bookie is ready.
BookieLedgerIndexer |
Preparing bookie vs its corresponding ledgers.
BookieNettyServer |
Netty server for serving bookie requests.
BookieNode |
Bookie Node implementation.
BookieProtocol |
The packets of the Bookie protocol all have a 4-byte integer indicating the
type of request or response at the very beginning of the packet followed by a
BookieProtocol.AddResponse |
A response that adds data.
BookieProtocol.AuthRequest |
An authentication request.
BookieProtocol.AuthResponse |
A response with an authentication message.
BookieProtocol.BatchedReadRequest |
The request for reading data with batch optimization.
BookieProtocol.BatchedReadResponse |
The response for batched read.
BookieProtocol.ErrorResponse |
An error response.
BookieProtocol.PacketHeader |
The first int of a packet is the header.
BookieProtocol.ParsedAddRequest |
This is similar to add request, but it used when processing the request on the bookie side.
BookieProtocol.ReadRequest |
A Request that reads data.
BookieProtocol.ReadResponse |
A request that reads data.
BookieProtocol.Request |
A Bookie request object.
BookieProtocol.Response |
A response object.
BookieProtoEncoding |
A class for encoding and decoding the Bookkeeper protocol.
BookieProtoEncoding.EnDecoder |
An encoder/decoder interface for the Bookkeeper protocol.
BookieProtoEncoding.RequestDecoder |
A request message decoder.
BookieProtoEncoding.RequestEncoder |
A request message encoder.
BookieProtoEncoding.RequestEnDeCoderPreV3 |
An encoder/decoder for the Bookkeeper protocol before version 3.
BookieProtoEncoding.RequestEnDecoderV3 |
A request encoder/decoder for the Bookkeeper protocol version 3.
BookieProtoEncoding.ResponseDecoder |
A response message decoder.
BookieProtoEncoding.ResponseEncoder |
A response message encoder.
BookieProtoEncoding.ResponseEnDeCoderPreV3 |
A response encoder/decoder for the Bookkeeper protocol before version 3.
BookieProtoEncoding.ResponseEnDecoderV3 |
A response encoder/decoder for the Bookkeeper protocol version 3.
BookieRequestHandler |
Serverside handler for bookkeeper requests.
BookieRequestProcessor |
An implementation of the RequestProcessor interface.
BookieResources |
Centralizes the creation of injected resources.
BookieSanityService |
HttpEndpointService that exposes the bookie sanity state.
BookieSanityService.BookieSanity |
POJO definition for the bookie sanity response.
BookieServer |
Implements the server-side part of the BookKeeper protocol.
BookieService |
BookieServiceInfo |
Information about services exposed by a Bookie.
BookieServiceInfo.Endpoint |
Information about an endpoint.
BookieServiceInfoUtils |
BookiesHealthInfo |
This interface returns heuristics used to determine the health of a Bookkeeper server for read
BookieShell |
Bookie Shell is to provide utilities for users to administer a bookkeeper cluster.
BookieShell.Command |
BookieShell command.
BookieShell.UpdateLedgerNotifier |
A facility for reporting update ledger progress.
BookieShellCommand<CliFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
This is a util class that converts new cli command to old shell command.
BookiesListener |
Listener for the available bookies changes.
BookieSocketAddress |
This is a data wrapper class that is an InetSocketAddress, it would use the hostname
provided in constructors directly.
BookieStateManager |
An implementation of StateManager.
BookieStateReadOnlyService |
HttpEndpointService that handles readOnly state related http requests.
BookieStateReadOnlyService.ReadOnlyState |
The object represent the readOnly state.
BookieStateService |
HttpEndpointService that exposes the current state of the bookie.
BookieStateService.BookieState |
POJO definition for the bookie state response.
BookieStats |
A umbrella class for bookie related stats.
BookieStatus |
The status object represents the current status of a bookie instance.
BookieStatus.BookieMode |
BookieThread |
Wrapper that wraps bookie threads.
BookieWatcher |
Watch for Bookkeeper cluster status.
BookieWatcherImpl |
This class is responsible for maintaining a consistent view of what bookies
are available by reading Zookeeper (and setting watches on the bookie nodes).
BookKeeper |
This is the entry point for BookKeeper client side API.
BookKeeper |
BookKeeper client.
BookKeeper.Builder |
BookKeeper Client Builder to build client instances.
BookKeeper.DigestType |
There are 3 digest types that can be used for verification.
BookKeeperAdmin |
Admin client for BookKeeper clusters.
BookKeeperAdmin.ResultCallBack |
This is the class for getting the replication result.
BookKeeperAdmin.SyncObject |
BookKeeperBuilder |
BookKeeper Client Builder to build client instances.
BookKeeperBuilderImpl |
BookKeeperClientStats |
List of constants for defining client stats names.
BookKeeperClientStatsImpl |
BookKeeperConstants |
This class contains constants used in BookKeeper.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks |
Declaration of a callback interfaces used in bookkeeper client library but
not exposed to the client application.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.BatchedReadEntryCallback |
Declaration of a callback implementation for calls from BookieClient objects.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.ForceLedgerCallback |
Force callback interface.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.FutureGetListOfEntriesOfLedger |
Future for GetListOfEntriesOfLedger.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.GenericCallback<T> |
A generic callback interface.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.GenericCallbackFuture<T> |
Generic callback future.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.GetBookieInfoCallback |
This is a callback interface for fetching metadata about a bookie.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerCallback |
A callback interface for GetListOfEntriesOfLedger command.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.LedgerMetadataListener |
Listener on ledger metadata changes.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.MultiCallback |
This is a multi callback object that waits for all of
the multiple async operations to complete.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.Processor<T> |
Processor to process a specific element.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.ReadEntryCallback |
Declaration of a callback implementation for calls from BookieClient objects.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.ReadEntryCallbackCtx |
Declaration of a callback interface for the Last Add Confirmed context of a reader.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.ReadEntryListener |
Listener on entries responded.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.ReadLacCallback |
A last-add-confirmed (LAC) reader callback interface.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.StartTLSCallback |
A callback interface for a STARTTLS command.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.TimedGenericCallback<T> |
A callback implementation with an internal timer.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.WriteCallback |
A writer callback interface.
BookkeeperInternalCallbacks.WriteLacCallback |
A last-add-confirmed (LAC) writer callback interface.
BookKeeperPrincipal |
A Principal is the user bound to the connection.
BookkeeperProtocol |
BookkeeperProtocol.AddRequest |
Protobuf type AddRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.AddRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type AddRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.AddRequest.Flag |
Protobuf enum AddRequest.Flag
BookkeeperProtocol.AddRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.AddResponse |
Protobuf type AddResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.AddResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type AddResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.AddResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.AuthMessage |
Protobuf type AuthMessage
BookkeeperProtocol.AuthMessage.Builder |
Protobuf type AuthMessage
BookkeeperProtocol.AuthMessageOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.BKPacketHeader |
Packet header for all requests.
BookkeeperProtocol.BKPacketHeader.Builder |
Packet header for all requests.
BookkeeperProtocol.BKPacketHeaderOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.ContextPair |
Protobuf type ContextPair
BookkeeperProtocol.ContextPair.Builder |
Protobuf type ContextPair
BookkeeperProtocol.ContextPairOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.ForceLedgerRequest |
Protobuf type ForceLedgerRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.ForceLedgerRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type ForceLedgerRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.ForceLedgerRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.ForceLedgerResponse |
Protobuf type ForceLedgerResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.ForceLedgerResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type ForceLedgerResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.ForceLedgerResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.GetBookieInfoRequest |
Protobuf type GetBookieInfoRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.GetBookieInfoRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type GetBookieInfoRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.GetBookieInfoRequest.Flags |
Protobuf enum GetBookieInfoRequest.Flags
BookkeeperProtocol.GetBookieInfoRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.GetBookieInfoResponse |
Protobuf type GetBookieInfoResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.GetBookieInfoResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type GetBookieInfoResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.GetBookieInfoResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerRequest |
Protobuf type GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerResponse |
Protobuf type GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.OperationType |
Supported operations by this protocol.
BookkeeperProtocol.ProtocolVersion |
Protocol Versions.
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadLacRequest |
Protobuf type ReadLacRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadLacRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type ReadLacRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadLacRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadLacResponse |
Protobuf type ReadLacResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadLacResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type ReadLacResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadLacResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadRequest |
Protobuf type ReadRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type ReadRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadRequest.Flag |
Protobuf enum ReadRequest.Flag
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadResponse |
Protobuf type ReadResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type ReadResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.ReadResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.Request |
Protobuf type Request
BookkeeperProtocol.Request.Builder |
Protobuf type Request
BookkeeperProtocol.RequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.Response |
Protobuf type Response
BookkeeperProtocol.Response.Builder |
Protobuf type Response
BookkeeperProtocol.ResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.StartTLSRequest |
Protobuf type StartTLSRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.StartTLSRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type StartTLSRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.StartTLSRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.StartTLSResponse |
Protobuf type StartTLSResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.StartTLSResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type StartTLSResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.StartTLSResponseOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.StatusCode |
Status codes.
BookkeeperProtocol.WriteLacRequest |
Protobuf type WriteLacRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.WriteLacRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type WriteLacRequest
BookkeeperProtocol.WriteLacRequestOrBuilder |
BookkeeperProtocol.WriteLacResponse |
Protobuf type WriteLacResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.WriteLacResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type WriteLacResponse
BookkeeperProtocol.WriteLacResponseOrBuilder |
BookKeeperServerStats |
A utility class used for managing the stats constants used in server side.
BookkeeperVerifier |
Encapsulates logic for playing and verifying operations against a bookkeeper-like
BookkeeperVerifier.BookkeeperDriver |
Provides an interface for translating test operations into operations on a
BookkeeperVerifier.BookkeeperDriver.ReadCallback |
Callback for reads.
BookkeeperVerifierMain |
Performs a configurable IO stream against a bookkeeper client while
validating results.
BoundedExecutorService |
Implements ExecutorService and allows limiting the number of tasks to
be scheduled in the thread's queue.
BoundedScheduledExecutorService |
Implements ListeningScheduledExecutorService and allows limiting the number
of tasks to be scheduled in the thread's queue.
BoundExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy |
Retry policy that retries a set number of times with an increasing (up to a
maximum bound) backoff time between retries.
BroadCastStatsLogger |
Stats Loggers that broadcast stats to multiple StatsLogger .
BroadCastStatsLogger.MasterSlave |
BroadCastStatsLogger.Two |
Buffer |
A utility buffer class to be used with native calls.
BufferedChannel |
Provides a buffering layer in front of a FileChannel.
BufferedChannelBase |
A BufferedChannelBase adds functionality to an existing file channel, the ability
to buffer the input and output data.
BufferedChannelBase.BufferedChannelClosedException |
BufferedReadChannel |
A Buffered channel without a write buffer.
BufferPool |
BufferPool used to manage Buffers.
BusyWait |
Utility class to use "Thread.onSpinWait()" when available.
ByteBufAllocatorBuilder |
Builder object to customize a ByteBuf allocator.
ByteBufAllocatorBuilderImpl |
ByteBufAllocatorImpl |
Implementation of ByteBufAllocator .
ByteBufAllocatorWithOomHandler |
A ByteBufAllocatr interface with a OOM handler.
ByteBufList |
ByteBufList is a holder of a sequence of ByteBuf objects.
ByteBufList.Encoder |
ByteBufVisitor |
This class visits the possible wrapped child buffers of a Netty ByteBuf for a given offset and length.
ByteBufVisitor.ByteBufVisitorCallback<T> |
The callback interface for visiting buffers.
ByteBufVisitor.GetBytesCallbackByteBuf<T> |
A ByteBuf implementation that can be used as the destination buffer for
a ByteBuf.getBytes(int, ByteBuf) for visiting the wrapped child buffers.
ByteStringUtil |
CacheableFeatureProvider<T extends Feature> |
Cacheable Feature Provider.
CacheCallback |
Interface plugged into caching to receive callback notifications.
CachedDNSToSwitchMapping |
A cached implementation of DNSToSwitchMapping that takes an
raw DNSToSwitchMapping and stores the resolved network location in
a cache.
CachingStatsLogger |
A StatsLogger that caches the stats objects created by other StatsLogger .
CachingStatsProvider |
A CachingStatsProvider adds the caching functionality to an existing StatsProvider .
CertUtils |
Certificate parsing utilities.
CheckDBLedgersIndexCommand |
Command to check the DBLedgerStorage ledgers index integrity.
CheckDBLedgersIndexCommand.CheckLedgersIndexFlags |
Flags for read log command.
Checkpointer |
The instance that is responsible for checkpointing ledger storage.
CheckpointSource |
Interface to communicate checkpoint progress.
CheckpointSource.Checkpoint |
A checkpoint presented a time point.
CheckpointSourceList |
ClassValidator<T> |
Validator that validates a configuration setting is returning a given type of class.
CleanupLedgerManager |
A ledger manager that cleans up resources upon closing.
Cli<CliFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
CliCommand<GlobalFlagsT extends CliFlags,CommandFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
A command that runs a CLI spec.
CliCommandGroup<GlobalFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
A command group that group commands together.
ClientAuthProvider |
Client authentication provider interface.
ClientAuthProvider.Factory |
A factory to create the authentication providers for bookkeeper clients.
ClientCommand<ClientFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
This is a mixin class for commands that needs a bookkeeper client.
ClientConfiguration |
Configuration settings for client side.
ClientConnectionPeer |
Represents the connection to a Bookie, from the client side.
ClientContext |
Collection of client objects used by LedgerHandle to interact with
the outside world.
ClientInternalConf |
CliFlags |
Default CLI Options.
CliSpec<CliFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
A spec to build CLI.
CliSpec.Builder<CliFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
Builder to build a cli spec.
ClusterInfoCommand |
A bookie command to retrieve bookies cluster info.
ClusterInfoCommand.ClusterInfo |
POJO definition for the cluster info response.
ClusterInfoService |
HttpEndpointService that exposes the current info about the cluster of bookies.
ClusterInfoService.ClusterInfo |
POJO definition for the cluster info response.
CodahaleMetricsProvider |
CodahaleOpStatsLogger |
CodahaleStatsLogger |
A StatsLogger implemented based on Codahale metrics library.
Code |
Metadata Exception Code.
Command<GlobalFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
Command of a cli.
CommandGroup<GlobalFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
A command group that group commands together.
CommandHelpers |
Helper classes used by the cli commands.
CommandUtils |
Utils to process a commander.
CommonConfigurationKeys |
Common Configuration Keys.
CommonHashes |
Static methods to obtain commonly-used hash functions.
CompactableLedgerStorage |
Interface that identifies LedgerStorage implementations using EntryLogger and running periodic entries compaction.
CompactionEntryLog |
An entrylog to received compacted entries.
ComponentConfiguration |
Component Configuration.
ComponentInfoPublisher |
Allows a component to publish information about
the services it implements, the endpoints it exposes
and other useful information for management tools and client.
ComponentInfoPublisher.EndpointInfo |
Endpoint information.
ComponentStarter |
Utils to start components.
ComponentStarter.ComponentShutdownHook |
ConcurrentConfiguration |
Configuration view built on concurrent hash map for fast thread-safe access.
ConcurrentLongHashMap<V> |
Map from long to an Object.
ConcurrentLongHashMap.Builder<T> |
Builder of ConcurrentLongHashMap.
ConcurrentLongHashMap.EntryProcessor<V> |
An entry processor.
ConcurrentLongHashMap.LongObjectPredicate<V> |
Predicate specialization for (long, V) types.
ConcurrentLongHashSet |
Concurrent hash set for primitive longs.
ConcurrentLongHashSet.Builder |
Builder of ConcurrentLongHashSet.
ConcurrentLongHashSet.ConsumerLong |
A consumer of long values.
ConcurrentLongLongHashMap |
Concurrent hash map from primitive long to long.
ConcurrentLongLongHashMap.BiConsumerLong |
A Long-Long BiConsumer.
ConcurrentLongLongHashMap.Builder |
Builder of ConcurrentLongLongHashMap.
ConcurrentLongLongHashMap.LongLongFunction |
A Long-Long function.
ConcurrentLongLongHashMap.LongLongPredicate |
A Long-Long predicate.
ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap |
Concurrent hash map where both keys and values are composed of pairs of longs.
ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.BiConsumerLongPair |
A BiConsumer Long pair.
ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.Builder |
Builder of ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.
ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.LongLongPairFunction |
A Long pair function.
ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.LongLongPairPredicate |
A Long pair predicate.
ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.LongPair |
A pair of long values.
ConcurrentOpenHashMap<K,V> |
Concurrent hash map.
ConcurrentOpenHashMap.Builder<K,V> |
Builder of ConcurrentOpenHashMap.
ConcurrentOpenHashSet<V> |
Concurrent hash set.
ConcurrentOpenHashSet.Builder<V> |
Builder of ConcurrentOpenHashSet.
ConfigDef |
A definition of a configuration instance.
ConfigDef.Builder |
Builder to build a configuration definition.
ConfigException |
Exception thrown for configuration errors.
ConfigKey |
A configuration key in a configuration.
ConfigKey.ConfigKeyBuilder |
ConfigKeyGroup |
Define a group of configuration settings.
ConfigKeyGroup.ConfigKeyGroupBuilder |
Configurable |
Class that may be configured with a Configuration .
ConfigurationService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper Configuration related http request.
ConnectionPeer |
Represents the connection to a BookKeeper client, from the Bookie side.
ConsoleSlogger |
Simple slogger implementation which writes json to console.
ConvertToDBStorageCommand |
A command to convert bookie indexes from InterleavedStorage to DbLedgerStorage format.
ConvertToDBStorageCommand.CTDBFlags |
Flags for this command.
ConvertToInterleavedStorageCommand |
A command to convert bookie indexes from DbLedgerStorage to InterleavedStorage format.
ConvertToInterleavedStorageCommand.CTISFlags |
Flags for this command.
Cookie |
When a bookie starts for the first time it generates a cookie, and stores
the cookie in registration manager as well as in the each of the local filesystem
directories it uses.
Cookie.Builder |
Cookie builder.
CookieCommand<CookieFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
This is a mixin for cookie related commands to extends.
CookieValidation |
Interface for cookie validation.
Counter |
Simple stats that require only increment and decrement
functions on a Long.
CpuAffinity |
Utilities for enabling thread to CPU affinity.
CpuAffinityImpl |
Implementation of CPU Affinity functionality.
CpuAffinityJni |
JNI wrapper of native functions for CPU affinity.
CRC32CDigestManager |
Crc32cIntChecksum |
Crc32cSse42Provider |
CRC32DigestManager |
Digest manager for CRC32 checksum.
CRC32DigestManager.CRC32Digest |
Interface that abstracts different implementations of the CRC32 digest.
CrcParameters |
CreateAdvBuilder |
Builder-style interface to create new ledgers.
CreateBuilder |
Builder-style interface to create new ledgers.
CreateCookieCommand |
A command that create cookie.
CreateCookieCommand.Flags |
Flags to create a cookie for a given bookie.
DataFormats |
DataFormats.AuditorVoteFormat |
Debug information for auditor votes
DataFormats.AuditorVoteFormat.Builder |
Debug information for auditor votes
DataFormats.AuditorVoteFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.BookieServiceInfoFormat |
information about services exposed by a Bookie.
DataFormats.BookieServiceInfoFormat.Builder |
information about services exposed by a Bookie.
DataFormats.BookieServiceInfoFormat.Endpoint |
Information about an endpoint.
DataFormats.BookieServiceInfoFormat.Endpoint.Builder |
Information about an endpoint.
DataFormats.BookieServiceInfoFormat.EndpointOrBuilder |
DataFormats.BookieServiceInfoFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.CheckAllLedgersFormat |
information of checkAllLedgers execution
DataFormats.CheckAllLedgersFormat.Builder |
information of checkAllLedgers execution
DataFormats.CheckAllLedgersFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.CookieFormat |
Cookie format for storing cookie information
DataFormats.CookieFormat.Builder |
Cookie format for storing cookie information
DataFormats.CookieFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat |
Metadata format for storing ledger information
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.Builder |
Metadata format for storing ledger information
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.cMetadataMapEntry |
Protobuf type LedgerMetadataFormat.cMetadataMapEntry
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.cMetadataMapEntry.Builder |
Protobuf type LedgerMetadataFormat.cMetadataMapEntry
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.cMetadataMapEntryOrBuilder |
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.DigestType |
Protobuf enum LedgerMetadataFormat.DigestType
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.Segment |
Protobuf type LedgerMetadataFormat.Segment
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.Segment.Builder |
Protobuf type LedgerMetadataFormat.Segment
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.SegmentOrBuilder |
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormat.State |
Protobuf enum LedgerMetadataFormat.State
DataFormats.LedgerMetadataFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.LedgerRereplicationLayoutFormat |
Protobuf type LedgerRereplicationLayoutFormat
DataFormats.LedgerRereplicationLayoutFormat.Builder |
Protobuf type LedgerRereplicationLayoutFormat
DataFormats.LedgerRereplicationLayoutFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.LockDataFormat |
Debug information for locks
DataFormats.LockDataFormat.Builder |
Debug information for locks
DataFormats.LockDataFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.PlacementPolicyCheckFormat |
information of PlacementPolicyCheck execution
DataFormats.PlacementPolicyCheckFormat.Builder |
information of PlacementPolicyCheck execution
DataFormats.PlacementPolicyCheckFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.ReplicasCheckFormat |
information of ReplicasCheck execution
DataFormats.ReplicasCheckFormat.Builder |
information of ReplicasCheck execution
DataFormats.ReplicasCheckFormatOrBuilder |
DataFormats.UnderreplicatedLedgerFormat |
Protobuf type UnderreplicatedLedgerFormat
DataFormats.UnderreplicatedLedgerFormat.Builder |
Protobuf type UnderreplicatedLedgerFormat
DataFormats.UnderreplicatedLedgerFormatOrBuilder |
DataIntegrityCheck |
The interface for the data integrity check feature.
DataIntegrityCheckImpl |
An implementation of the DataIntegrityCheck interface.
DataIntegrityCheckImpl.LedgerResult |
DataIntegrityCheckImpl.LedgerResult.State |
DataIntegrityCookieValidation |
An implementation of the CookieValidation interface that allows for auto-stamping
cookies when configured and used in conjunction with the data integrity service.
DataIntegrityService |
An abstract lifecycle component that can perform data integrity checking.
DataSketchesOpStatsLogger |
OpStatsLogger implementation that uses DataSketches library to calculate the approximated latency quantiles.
DbLedgerStorage |
Implementation of LedgerStorage that uses RocksDB to keep the indexes for entries stored in EntryLogs.
DbLedgerStorageDataFormats |
DbLedgerStorageDataFormats.LedgerData |
Ledger metadata stored in the bookie
DbLedgerStorageDataFormats.LedgerData.Builder |
Ledger metadata stored in the bookie
DbLedgerStorageDataFormats.LedgerDataOrBuilder |
DbLedgerStorageStats |
A umbrella class for db ledger storage stats with one instance per
ledger directory.
DecommissionCommand |
Command to trigger AuditTask by resetting lostBookieRecoveryDelay and
then make sure the ledgers stored in the bookie are properly replicated
and Cookie of the decommissioned bookie should be deleted from metadata
DecommissionCommand.DecommissionFlags |
Flags for decommission command.
DecommissionService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper Decommission related http request.
DefaultBookieAddressResolver |
Resolve BookieIDs to Network addresses.
DefaultEnsemblePlacementPolicy |
Default Ensemble Placement Policy, which picks bookies randomly.
DefaultEntryLogger |
This class manages the writing of the bookkeeper entries.
DefaultEntryLogger.BufferedLogChannel |
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLogListener |
Entry Log Listener.
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException |
Exception type for representing lookup errors.
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.InvalidEntryLengthException |
Represents case where log is present, but encoded entry length header is invalid.
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.MissingEntryException |
Represents case where entry log is present, but does not contain the specified entry.
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.MissingLogFileException |
Represents case where log file is missing.
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.WrongEntryException |
Represents case where the entry at pos is wrong.
DefaultEntryLogger.RecentEntryLogsStatus |
Datastructure which maintains the status of logchannels.
DefaultFileChannel |
Default FileChannel for bookie to read and write.
DefaultFileChannelProvider |
A wrapper of FileChannel.
DefaultPerChannelBookieClientPool |
Provide a simple round-robin style channel pool.
DefaultSpeculativeRequestExecutionPolicy |
DeleteBuilder |
Builder-style interface to delete exiting ledgers.
DeleteCookieCommand |
A command that deletes cookie.
DeleteCookieCommand.Flags |
Flags to delete a cookie for a given bookie.
DeleteLedgerCommand |
Command to delete a given ledger.
DeleteLedgerCommand.DeleteLedgerFlags |
Flags for delete ledger command.
DeleteLedgerService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper delete ledger related http request.
DigestManager |
This class takes an entry, attaches a digest to it and packages it with relevant
data so that it can be shipped to the bookie.
DigestManager.RecoveryData |
A representation of RecoveryData.
DigestType |
Digest type.
DirectBookkeeperDriver |
Driver for a normal Bookkeeper cluster.
DirectByteBufferAccess |
Service used to provide the native memory address of direct byte buffers.
DirectByteBufferAccessLoader |
DirectCompactionEntryLog |
DirectEntryLogger |
DirectEntryLoggerStats |
DirectMemoryCRC32Digest |
Specialized implementation of CRC32 digest that uses reflection on CRC32 class to get access to
"updateByteBuffer" method and pass a direct memory pointer.
DirectReader |
DirectWriter |
DiscoveryCommand<DiscoveryFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
This is a mixin for commands that talks to discovery service.
DiskChecker |
Class that provides utility functions for checking disk problems.
DiskChecker.DiskErrorException |
A disk error exception.
DiskChecker.DiskException |
A general marker for disk-related exceptions.
DiskChecker.DiskOutOfSpaceException |
An out-of-space disk exception.
DiskChecker.DiskWarnThresholdException |
A disk warn threshold exception.
DistributionSchedule |
This interface determines how entries are distributed among bookies.
DistributionSchedule.AckSet |
An ack set represents the set of bookies from which
a response must be received so that an entry can be
considered to be replicated on a quorum.
DistributionSchedule.QuorumCoverageSet |
Interface to keep track of which bookies in an ensemble, an action
has been performed for.
DistributionSchedule.WriteSet |
A write set represents the set of bookies to which
a request will be written.
A class that provides direct and reverse lookup functionalities, allowing
the querying of specific network interfaces or nameservers.
DNSToSwitchMapping |
An interface that must be implemented to allow pluggable
DNS-name/IP-address to RackID resolvers.
DummyDigestManager |
This class provides a noop digest implementation.
DynamicWeightedRandomSelectionImpl<T> |
DynamicWeightedRandomSelectionImpl class implements both getNextRandom
overloaded methods.
EmbeddedServer |
An embedded server is a server that run bookie and serving rpc requests.
EmbeddedServer.Builder |
EndpointInfoCommand |
Get endpoint information about a Bookie.
EndpointInfoCommand.EndpointInfoFlags |
Flags for this command.
EnsemblePlacementPolicy |
EnsemblePlacementPolicy encapsulates the algorithm that bookkeeper client uses to select a number of bookies
from the cluster as an ensemble for storing entries.
EnsemblePlacementPolicy.PlacementPolicyAdherence |
enum for PlacementPolicyAdherence.
EnsemblePlacementPolicy.PlacementResult<T> |
Result of a placement calculation against a placement policy.
EnsembleUtils |
EntryCopier |
Interface for copying entries from other bookies.
EntryCopier.Batch |
An interface for a batch to be copied.
EntryCopierImpl |
Implementation for the EntryCopier interface.
EntryCopierImpl.SinBin |
EntryFormatter |
Formatter to format an entry.
EntryKey |
An EntryKey represents an entry in a ledger, identified by ledgerId and entryId .
EntryKeyValue |
An entry Key/Value.
EntryLocation |
An EntryLocation represents the location where an entry is stored.
EntryLocationIndex |
Maintains an index of the entry locations in the EntryLogger.
EntryLocationIndexStats |
A umbrella class for ledger metadata index stats.
EntryLogCompactor |
This is the basic entry log compactor to compact entry logs.
EntryLogger |
Entry logger.
EntryLoggerAllocator |
An allocator pre-allocates entry log files.
EntryLogIds |
Generate unique entry log ids.
EntryLogIdsImpl |
EntryLogManager |
EntryLogManagerBase |
EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger |
EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger.BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo |
EntryLogManagerForSingleEntryLog |
EntryLogMetadata |
Records the total size, remaining size and the set of ledgers that comprise a
entry log.
EntryLogMetadata.EntryLogMetadataRecyclable |
EntryLogMetadataMap |
Map-store to store Entrylogger metadata.
EntryLogScanner |
Scan entries in a entry log file.
EntryMemTable |
The EntryMemTable holds in-memory representation to the entries not-yet flushed.
EntryMemTable.EntrySkipList |
Entry skip list.
EntryMemTableStats |
A umbrella class for memtable related stats.
EntryMemTableWithParallelFlusher |
EventLoopUtil |
Utility class to initialize Netty event loops.
Events |
Events |
ExceptionMessageHelper |
Utility to make it easier to add context to exception messages.
ExecutorUtils |
Executor/Thread related utils.
ExitCode |
Exit code used to exit bookie server.
ExpandStorageService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper expand storage related http request.
ExplicitLacFlushPolicy |
ExplicitLacFlushPolicy.ExplicitLacFlushPolicyImpl |
ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy |
A retry policy implementation that backoff retries exponentially.
ExponentialBackOffWithDeadlinePolicy |
Backoff time determined based as a multiple of baseBackoffTime.
FastCodahaleMetricsProvider |
FastCodahaleStatsLogger |
A StatsLogger implemented based on Codahale metrics library.
FastSnapshot |
A snapshot of a FastTimer.
FastTimer |
A fast and (nearly) garbage-free Rate and Response Times Timer.
FastTimer.Buckets |
Defines the response time buckets to use.
Feature |
This interface represents a feature.
FeatureProvider |
Provider to provide features.
FileChannelProvider |
An interface of the FileChannelProvider.
FileInfo |
This is the file handle for a ledger's index file that maps entry ids to location.
FileInfo.FileInfoDeletedException |
FileInfoBackingCache |
FileInfoBackingCache.FileLoader |
FileModifiedTimeUpdater |
Holder class to validate file modification.
FileSystemUpgrade |
Application for upgrading the bookkeeper filesystem between versions.
FixedValueFeature |
A feature implementation that has a fixed value of availability.
FlatLedgerManager |
Manage all ledgers in a single zk node.
FlatLedgerManagerFactory |
FlipBookieIdCommand |
Command to update ledger command.
FlipBookieIdCommand.FlipBookieIdFlags |
Flags for update ledger command.
ForceableHandle |
Provide the ability to enforce durability guarantees to the writer.
ForceLedgerOp |
This represents a request to sync the ledger on every bookie.
ForceLedgerProcessorV3 |
FormatCommand |
Command to format the current server contents.
FormatCommand.Flags |
Flags for format bookie command.
FormatUtil |
.Provide to format message.
FutureEventListener<T> |
Provide similar interface (as twitter future) over java future.
FutureUtils |
Future related utils.
GarbageCollectionStatus |
This is the garbage collection thread status.
GarbageCollectionStatus.GarbageCollectionStatusBuilder |
GarbageCollector |
This is the garbage collector interface, garbage collector implementers
need to extends this class to remove the deleted ledgers.
GarbageCollector.GarbageCleaner |
A interface used to define customised garbage cleaner.
GarbageCollectorStats |
A umbrella class for gc stats.
GarbageCollectorThread |
This is the garbage collector thread that runs in the background to
remove any entry log files that no longer contains any active ledger.
Gauge<T extends java.lang.Number> |
A guage is a value that has only one value at a specific point in time.
GCDetailsService |
HttpEndpointService that handle get garbage collection details service.
GenerateCookieCommand |
A command that generate cookie.
GenerateCookieCommand.Flags |
Flags to generate a cookie for a given bookie.
GetBookieInfoProcessorV3 |
A processor class for v3 bookie metadata packets.
GetCookieCommand |
A command that deletes cookie.
GetCookieCommand.Flags |
Flags to delete a cookie for a given bookie.
GetLastLogMarkService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper get last log mark related http request.
GetLedgerMetaService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper get ledger metadata related http request.
GetListOfEntriesOfLedgerProcessorV3 |
A processor class for v3 entries of a ledger packets.
GrowableMpScArrayConsumerBlockingQueue<T> |
This implements a BlockingQueue backed by an array with no fixed capacity.
Handle |
Handle to manage an open ledger.
HandleFactory |
HandleFactoryImpl |
HardLink |
Class for creating hardlinks.
HardLink.HardLinkCGUnix |
Implementation of HardLinkCommandGetter class for Unix.
HardLink.HardLinkCGWin |
Implementation of HardLinkCommandGetter class for Windows.
HardLink.LinkStats |
HardLink statistics counters and methods.
HardLink.OSType |
OS Types.
Hash |
Abstract hash function.
HashCache |
Interface implemented by hash function caches.
HashCacheLoader |
Provides access to a singleton hash function cache, if an implementation is
Hashes |
Static methods to obtain various forms of abstract hash functions.
HashParameters |
Base interface implemented by classes describing parameters for a particular
family of hash algorithms.
HashProvider |
Interface used to obtain instances of various kinds of hash algorithms.
HashProviders |
Static utility methods for discovering HashProvider instances.
HashSupport |
Flags indicating the support available for some set of hash algorithm.
HashSupport.SetComparator |
Comparator for EnumSets for hash support flags.
Header |
The 1K block at the head of the entry logger file
that contains the fingerprint and meta-data.
HelpCommand<GlobalFlagsT extends CliFlags,CommandFlagsT extends CliFlags> |
Help command to show help information.
HexDumpEntryFormatter |
A hex dump entry formatter.
HierarchicalLedgerManager |
HierarchicalLedgerManager makes use of both LongHierarchicalLedgerManager and LegacyHierarchicalLedgerManager
to extend the 31-bit ledger id range of the LegacyHierarchicalLedgerManager to that of the
LongHierarchicalLedgerManager while remaining backwards-compatible with the legacy manager.
HierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory |
Legacy Hierarchical Ledger Manager Factory.
HttpService |
IncrementalIntHash |
Incremental stateless integer hash function, which has the property that its
output is the same as (or easily derivable from) its state.
IncrementalIntStatefulHash |
IncrementalLongHash |
Incremental stateless long integer hash function, which has the property that
its output is the same as (or easily derivable from) its state.
IncrementalLongStatefulHash |
IndexInMemPageMgr |
IndexInMemPageMgrStats |
IndexPersistenceMgr |
A IndexPersistenceMgr is responsible for managing the persistence state for the index in a bookie.
IndexPersistenceMgrStats |
InfoCommand |
A bookie command to retrieve bookie info.
InitCommand |
A command to initialize new bookie.
InitCommand |
Initializes new cluster by creating required znodes for the cluster.
InMemoryEntryLogMetadataMap |
In-memory metadata-store to store entry-log metadata-map in memory-map.
InMemoryMetaStore |
An in-memory implementation of the MetaStore interface.
InMemoryMetastoreCursor |
InMemoryMetastoreTable |
An in-memory implementation of a Metastore table.
InMemoryMetastoreTable.MetadataVersion |
An implementation of the Version interface for metadata.
InMemoryMetastoreTable.Result<T> |
InstanceIdCommand |
Command to print instance id of the cluster.
InterfaceAudience |
Annotation to inform users of a package, class or method's intended audience.
InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate |
Intended for use only within the project(s) specified in the annotation.
InterfaceAudience.Private |
Intended for use only within bookkeeper itself.
InterfaceAudience.Public |
Intended for use by any project or application.
InterfaceStability |
Annotation to inform users of how much to rely on a particular package,
class or method not changing over time.
InterfaceStability.Evolving |
Evolving, but can break compatibility at minor release (i.e.
InterfaceStability.Stable |
Can evolve while retaining compatibility for minor release boundaries.;
can break compatibility only at major release (ie.
InterfaceStability.Unstable |
No guarantee is provided as to reliability or stability across any
level of release granularity.
InterleavedLedgerStorage |
Interleave ledger storage.
InterleavedStorageRegenerateIndexOp |
Scan all entries in the entry log and rebuild the index file for one ledger.
InterleavedStorageRegenerateIndexOp.DryRunLedgerCache |
InterleavedStorageRegenerateIndexOp.RecoveryStats |
IntHash |
IntStatefulLongHash |
IntStatelessLongHash |
IOUtils |
An utility class for I/O related functionality.
IsolatedProcessors |
IteratorUtility |
Utility class to merge iterators.
ITopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy<T extends Node> |
Interface for topology aware ensemble placement policy.
ITopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.Ensemble<T extends Node> |
Ensemble used to hold the result of an ensemble selected for placement.
ITopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.Predicate<T extends Node> |
Predicate used when choosing an ensemble.
JAASCredentialsContainer |
JAAS Credentials Container.
Java8IntHash |
Java9IntHash |
JavaCrc32 |
JniIntHash |
Journal |
Provide journal related management.
Journal.BufferedChannelBuilder |
For testability.
Journal.ForceWriteRequest |
Token which represents the need to force a write to the Journal.
Journal.JournalIdFilter |
Filter to pickup journals.
Journal.JournalScanner |
Scanner used to scan a journal.
Journal.QueueEntry |
Journal Entry to Record.
JournalAliveListener |
Listener for journal alive.
JournalChannel |
Simple wrapper around FileChannel to add versioning
information to the file.
JournalStats |
A umbrella class for journal related stats.
JsonUtil |
Util class which helps to parse Json to and from Object.
JsonUtil.ParseJsonException |
A JSON parsing exception.
KeyComparator |
Compare EntryKey.
KeyValueStorage |
Abstraction of a generic key-value local database.
KeyValueStorage.Batch |
Interface for a batch to be written in the storage.
KeyValueStorage.CloseableIterator<T> |
Iterator interface.
KeyValueStorageFactory |
Factory class to create instances of the key-value storage implementation.
KeyValueStorageFactory.DbConfigType |
Enum used to specify different config profiles in the underlying storage.
KeyValueStorageRocksDB |
RocksDB based implementation of the KeyValueStorage.
LastAddConfirmedUpdateNotification |
A signal object is used for notifying the observers when the LastAddConfirmed is advanced.
LastConfirmedAndEntry |
This contains LastAddConfirmed entryId and a LedgerEntry wanted to read.
LastConfirmedAndEntryImpl |
This contains LastAddConfirmed entryId and a LedgerEntry wanted to read.
LastMarkCommand |
A bookie command to print the last log marker.
LayoutManager |
Layout manager for writing/reading/deleting ledger layout.
LayoutManager.LedgerLayoutExistsException |
The Ledger layout exists exception.
LeakDetectionPolicy |
Define the policy for the Netty leak detector.
LedgerAuditorManager |
Interface to handle the ledger auditor election.
LedgerAuditorManager.AuditorEvent |
Events that can be triggered by the LedgerAuditorManager.
LedgerCache |
This class maps a ledger entry number into a location (entrylogid, offset) in
an entry log file.
LedgerCache.LedgerIndexMetadata |
Represents summary of ledger metadata.
LedgerCache.NoIndexForLedgerException |
Specific exception to encode the case where the index is not present.
LedgerCache.PageEntries |
Represents a page of the index.
LedgerCache.PageEntriesIterable |
Iterable over index pages -- returns PageEntries rather than individual
entries because getEntries() above needs to be able to throw an IOException.
LedgerCacheImpl |
Implementation of LedgerCache interface.
LedgerChecker |
A utility class to check the complete ledger and finds the UnderReplicated fragments if any.
LedgerChecker.InvalidFragmentException |
LedgerCommand |
Command to dump ledger index entries into readable format.
LedgerCommand.LedgerFlags |
Flags for ledger command.
LedgerCreateOp |
Encapsulates asynchronous ledger create operation.
LedgerCreateOp.CreateBuilderImpl |
LedgerDeleteOp |
Encapsulates asynchronous ledger delete operation.
LedgerDeleteOp.DeleteBuilderImpl |
LedgerDescriptor |
Implements a ledger inside a bookie.
LedgerDescriptorImpl |
Implements a ledger inside a bookie.
LedgerDescriptorReadOnlyImpl |
Implements a ledger inside a bookie.
LedgerDirsManager |
This class manages ledger directories used by the bookie.
LedgerDirsManager.LedgerDirsListener |
Listener for the disk check events will be notified from the
LedgerDirsManager whenever disk full/failure detected.
LedgerDirsManager.NoWritableLedgerDirException |
Indicates All configured ledger directories are full.
LedgerDirsMonitor |
Thread to monitor the disk space periodically.
LedgerDirUtil |
LedgerEntries |
Interface to wrap a sequence of entries.
LedgerEntriesImpl |
Ledger entries implementation.
LedgerEntry |
An entry in a ledger.
LedgerEntry |
Ledger entry.
LedgerEntryImpl |
Ledger entry.
LedgerEntryPage |
This is a page in the LedgerCache.
LedgerEntryPage.EntryVisitor |
Interface for getEntries to propagate entry, pos pairs.
LedgerFragment |
Represents the entries of a segment of a ledger which are stored on subset of
bookies in the segments bookie ensemble.
LedgerFragment.ReplicateType |
LedgerFragmentReplicator |
This is the helper class for replicating the fragments from one bookie to
LedgerFragmentReplicator.SingleFragmentCallback |
Callback for recovery of a single ledger fragment.
LedgerFragmentReplicator.Throttler |
LedgerHandle |
Ledger handle contains ledger metadata and is used to access the read and
write operations to a ledger.
LedgerHandle.LastConfirmedCtx |
Context objects for synchronous call to read last confirmed.
LedgerHandle.NoopCloseCallback |
LedgerHandleAdv |
Ledger Advanced handle extends LedgerHandle to provide API to add entries with
user supplied entryIds.
LedgerHandleAdv.PendingOpsComparator |
LedgerIdFormatter |
Formatter to format a ledgerId.
LedgerIdFormatter.HexLedgerIdFormatter |
hex ledgerId formatter.
LedgerIdFormatter.LongLedgerIdFormatter |
long ledgerId formatter.
LedgerIdFormatter.UUIDLedgerIdFormatter |
uuid ledgerId formatter.
LedgerIdGenerator |
The interface for global unique ledger ID generation.
LedgerInputStream |
An input stream on reading data from a ledger.
LedgerLayout |
This class encapsulates ledger layout information that is persistently stored
in registration service.
LedgerManager |
LedgerManager takes responsibility of ledger management in client side.
LedgerManager.LedgerRange |
Used to represent the Ledgers range returned from the
current scan.
LedgerManager.LedgerRangeIterator |
Interface of the ledger meta range iterator from
storage (e.g.
LedgerManagerFactory |
A factory for creating ledger managers.
LedgerMetadata |
Represents the client-side metadata of a ledger.
LedgerMetadata.State |
Possible metadata states.
LedgerMetadataBuilder |
Builder for building LedgerMetadata objects.
LedgerMetaDataCommand |
Print the metadata for a ledger.
LedgerMetaDataCommand.LedgerMetadataFlag |
Flags for ledger metadata command.
LedgerMetadataImpl |
This class encapsulates all the ledger metadata that is persistently stored
in metadata store.
LedgerMetadataIndex |
Maintains an index for the ledgers metadata.
LedgerMetadataIndexStats |
A umbrella class for ledger metadata index stats.
LedgerMetadataSerDe |
Serialization and deserialization for LedgerMetadata.
LedgerMetadataUtils |
Utilities for working with ledger metadata.
LedgerOpenOp |
Encapsulates the ledger open operation.
LedgerOpenOp.OpenBuilderImpl |
LedgerOutputStream |
this class provides a streaming api to get an output stream from a ledger
handle and write to it as a stream of bytes.
LedgerRecoveryOp |
This class encapsulated the ledger recovery operation.
LedgersIndexCheckOp |
Scan the ledgers index to make sure it is readable.
LedgersIndexRebuildOp |
Scan all entries in the journal and entry log files then rebuilds the ledgers index.
LedgersIterator |
Iterator for ledgers.
LedgerStorage |
Interface for storing ledger data on persistent storage.
LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency |
Class for describing location of a generic inconsistency.
LedgerStorage.LedgerDeletionListener |
Signals that a ledger is deleted by the garbage collection thread.
LedgerStorage.StorageState |
StorageState flags.
LedgerStorageFactory |
LedgerUnderreplicationManager |
Interface for marking ledgers which need to be rereplicated.
LegacyCookieValidation |
Legacy implementation of CookieValidation.
LegacyHierarchicalLedgerManager |
Hierarchical Ledger Manager which manages ledger meta in zookeeper using 2-level hierarchical znodes.
LegacyHierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory |
Hierarchical Ledger Manager Factory.
LEPStateChangeCallback |
Callback interface when state of ledger entry page changed.
Lifecycle |
Lifecycle state.
Lifecycle.State |
Lifecycle State.
LifecycleComponent |
A component based on lifecycle management.
LifecycleComponentStack |
LifecycleComponentStack.Builder |
LifecycleListener |
Listener listening of the lifecycle changes.
ListActiveLedgersCommand |
List active(exist in metadata storage) ledgers in a entry log file.
ListActiveLedgersCommand.ActiveLedgerFlags |
Flags for active ledger command.
ListBookieInfoService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list bookie info related http request.
ListBookiesCommand |
Command to list available bookies.
ListBookiesCommand.Flags |
Flags for list bookies command.
ListBookiesService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list bookies related http request.
ListDiskFilesService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list disk files related http request.
ListenerBasedPendingReadOp |
ListFilesOnDiscCommand |
Command to list the files in JournalDirectories/LedgerDirectories/IndexDirectories.
ListFilesOnDiscCommand.LFODFlags |
Flags for list files on disc command.
ListLedgersCommand |
Command for list all ledgers on the cluster.
ListLedgersCommand.ListLedgersFlags |
Flags for ListLedgers command.
ListLedgerService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list ledger related http request.
ListLedgersResult |
Utility container for listing ledgers.
ListLedgersResultBuilder |
Builder-style interface to list exiting ledgers.
ListUnderReplicatedCommand |
Command to listing under replicated ledgers.
ListUnderReplicatedCommand.LURFlags |
Flags for list under replicated command.
ListUnderReplicatedLedgerService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list under replicated ledger related http request.
LocalBookieEnsemblePlacementPolicy |
Special ensemble placement policy that always return local bookie.
LocalBookiesRegistry |
Local registry for embedded Bookies.
LocalBookKeeper |
Local Bookkeeper.
LocalConsistencyCheckCommand |
Command to check local storage for inconsistencies.
LocationsIndexRebuildOp |
Scan all entries in the entry log and rebuild the locations index.
LogExceptionRunnable |
A simple wrapper for a Runnable that logs any exception thrown by it, before
re-throwing it.
LogMark |
Journal stream position.
LogMetadata |
LogReader |
Interface for reading from a bookkeeper entry log.
LogReaderScan |
LogWriter |
Interface for writing data to a bookkeeper entry log.
LongAdderCounter |
Counter implementation based on LongAdder .
LongHierarchicalLedgerManager |
LongHierarchical Ledger Manager which manages ledger meta in zookeeper using 5-level hierarchical znodes.
LongHierarchicalLedgerManagerFactory |
LongHierarchical Ledger Manager Factory.
LongPairWrapper |
Recyclable wrapper that holds a pair of longs.
LongPollReadEntryProcessorV3 |
Processor handling long poll read entry request.
LongVersion |
A version object holds integer version.
LongWrapper |
Wrapper for a long serialized into a byte array.
LongZkLedgerIdGenerator |
ZooKeeper based ledger id generator class, which using EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL
with (ledgerIdGenPath)/HOB-[high-32-bits]/ID- prefix to generate ledger id.
LostBookieRecoveryDelayCommand |
Command to Setter and Getter for LostBookieRecoveryDelay value (in seconds) in metadata store.
LostBookieRecoveryDelayCommand.LBRDFlags |
Flags for command LostBookieRecoveryDelay.
LostBookieRecoveryDelayService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper lost bookie recovery delay parameter related http request.
MacDigestManager |
A SHA-1 based digest manager.
Main |
A bookie server is a server that run bookie and serving rpc requests.
MathUtils |
Provides misc math functions that don't come standard.
MdcUtils |
Utils for work with Slf4j MDC.
MemoryLimitController |
Controller for tracking the amount of memory used for some task.
MetadataAsyncIterator |
An rxjava ledger metadata iterator.
MetadataBookieDriver |
Driver to manage all the metadata managers required by a bookie server.
MetadataClientDriver |
Driver to manage all the metadata managers required by a bookkeeper client.
MetadataClientDriver.SessionStateListener |
State Listener on listening the metadata client session states.
MetadataDrivers |
A driver manager for managing a set of metadata drivers.
MetadataDrivers.MetadataBookieDriverInfo |
MetadataDrivers.MetadataClientDriverInfo |
MetadataException |
Metadata Exception.
MetadataUpdateLoop |
Mechanism to safely update the metadata of a ledger.
MetadataUpdateLoop.LocalValueUpdater |
MetadataUpdateLoop.MetadataTransform |
MetadataUpdateLoop.NeedsUpdatePredicate |
MetaFormatCommand |
Format the bookkeeper metadata present in zookeeper.
MetaFormatCommand.MetaFormatFlags |
Flags for command meta format.
MetaStore |
Metadata Store Interface.
MetastoreCallback<T> |
Metastore callback.
MetastoreCursor |
A Metastore Cursor.
MetastoreCursor.ReadEntriesCallback |
A callback for reading entries.
MetastoreException |
A marker for Metastore exceptions.
MetastoreFactory |
Metastore Factory.
MetastoreScannableTable |
Metastore Scannable Table.
MetastoreScannableTable.Order |
The order to loop over a table.
MetastoreTable |
Metastore Table interface.
MetastoreTableItem |
Identify an item in a metastore table.
MetastoreUtils |
Provides utilities for metastore.
MetastoreUtils.MultiMetastoreCallback<T> |
MetastoreUtils.SyncMetastoreCallback<T> |
MetastoreWatcher |
Metastore watcher.
MetricsService |
HttpEndpointService that handle exposing metrics.
MSException |
Marker for metastore exceptions.
MSException.BadVersionException |
A BadVersion exception.
MSException.Code |
Return codes.
MSException.IllegalOpException |
Illegal operation exception.
MSException.KeyExistsException |
Key Exists Exception.
MSException.MSInterruptedException |
Metastore interruption exception.
MSException.NoEntriesException |
Exception would be thrown in a cursor if no entries found.
MSException.NoKeyException |
Exception in cases where there is no key.
MSException.OperationFailureException |
Operation failure exception.
MSException.ServiceDownException |
Service down exception.
MSLedgerManagerFactory |
MSLedgerManagerFactory.MsLedgerManager |
MSLedgerManagerFactory.SyncResult<T> |
MSWatchedEvent |
A metastore watched event.
MSWatchedEvent.EventType |
The metastore event type.
MurmurHash3Parameters |
MurmurHash3Variant |
Enumeration of MurmurHash3 variants.
NarSystem |
Generated class to load the correct version of the jni library
NarSystem |
Generated class to load the correct version of the jni library
NarSystem |
Generated class to load the correct version of the jni library
NativeIO |
NativeIO API.
NativeIOException |
NativeIOImpl |
NativeIOJni |
NativeUtils |
Utility class to load jni library from inside a JAR.
NettyChannelUtil |
Contains utility methods for working with Netty Channels.
NetUtils |
Network Utilities.
NetworkTopology |
Network Topology Interface.
NetworkTopologyImpl |
The class represents a cluster of computer with a tree hierarchical
network topology.
NetworkTopologyImpl.InnerNode |
InnerNode represents a switch/router of a data center or rack.
NetworkTopologyImpl.InvalidTopologyException |
A marker for an InvalidTopology Exception.
Node |
The interface defines a node in a network topology.
NodeBase |
A base class that implements interface Node.
NormalByteCrc |
Implements a "normal" MSB-first byte-width CRC function using a lookup table.
NormalIntCrc |
Implements a "normal" MSB-first int-width CRC function using a lookup table.
NormalLongCrc |
Implements a "normal" MSB-first long-width CRC function using a lookup table.
NukeExistingClusterCommand |
Nuke bookkeeper metadata of existing cluster in zookeeper.
NukeExistingClusterCommand.NukeExistingClusterFlags |
Flags for nuke existing cluster command.
NullMetadataBookieDriver |
A no-op implementation of MetadataBookieDriver.
NullMetadataBookieDriver.NullLayoutManager |
A no-op implementation of LayoutManager.
NullMetadataBookieDriver.NullLedgerAuditorManager |
A no-op implementation of LedgerAuditorManager.
NullMetadataBookieDriver.NullLedgerIdGenerator |
A no-op implementation of LedgerIdGenerator.
NullMetadataBookieDriver.NullLedgerManager |
A no-op implementation of LedgerManager.
NullMetadataBookieDriver.NullLedgerManagerFactory |
A no-op implementation of LedgerManagerFactory.
NullMetadataBookieDriver.NullLedgerUnderreplicationManager |
A no-op implementation of LedgerUnderreplicationManager.
NullMetadataBookieDriver.NullRegistrationManager |
A no-op implementation of RegistrationManager.
NullSlogger |
NullStatsLogger |
A no-op StatsLogger .
NullStatsLogger.NullCounter |
A no-op Counter .
NullStatsLogger.NullOpStatsLogger |
A no-op OpStatsLogger .
NullStatsProvider |
A no-op stats provider implementation.
NullValidator |
A validator that does nothing.
OpBuilder<T> |
Base interface for builders.
OpenBuilder |
Builder-style interface to open exiting ledgers.
OpenBuilderBase |
Base class for open builders which does the mundane builder stuff.
OpStatsData |
This class provides a read view of operation specific stats.
OpStatsListener<T> |
OpStatsLogger |
This interface handles logging of statistics related to each operation.
OrderedExecutor |
This class supports submitting tasks with an ordering key, so that tasks submitted
with the same key will always be executed in order, but tasks across
different keys can be unordered.
OrderedExecutor.AbstractBuilder<T extends OrderedExecutor> |
OrderedExecutor.Builder |
A builder class for an OrderedExecutor.
OrderedExecutor.ContextPreservingCallable<T> |
Decorator class for a callable that preserves MDC context.
OrderedExecutor.ContextPreservingRunnable |
Decorator class for a runnable that preserves MDC context.
OrderedGenericCallback<T> |
Generic callback implementation which will run the
callback in the thread which matches the ordering key.
OrderedScheduler |
This class provides supports submitting tasks with an ordering key, so that tasks submitted
with the same key will always be executed in order, but tasks across
different keys can be unordered.
OrderedScheduler.SchedulerBuilder |
Builder to build ordered scheduler.
OtelCounter |
OtelMetricsProvider |
OtelOpStatsLogger |
OtelStatsLogger |
OutOfMemoryPolicy |
Represents the action to take when it's not possible to allocate memory.
PacketProcessorBase<T extends BookieProtocol.Request> |
A base class for bookeeper packet processors.
PacketProcessorBaseV3 |
A base class for bookkeeper protocol v3 packet processors.
PageCacheUtil |
Native I/O operations.
PendingAddOp |
This represents a pending add operation.
PendingReadLacOp |
This represents a pending ReadLac operation.
PendingReadLacOp.LacCallback |
PendingReadOp |
Sequence of entries of a ledger that represents a pending read operation.
PendingWriteLacOp |
This represents a pending WriteLac operation.
PerChannelBookieClient |
This class manages all details of connection to a particular bookie.
PerChannelBookieClient.ConnectionState |
PerChannelBookieClient.ContextPreservingFutureListener |
Decorator to preserve MDC for connection listener.
PerChannelBookieClientFactory |
PerChannelBookieClientPool |
An interface to manage channel pooling for bookie client.
PersistentEntryLogMetadataMap |
Persistent entryLogMetadata-map that stores entry-loggers metadata into
PoolingPolicy |
Define a policy for allocating buffers.
PortManager |
Port manager provides free ports to allows multiple instances
of the bookkeeper tests to run at once.
ProcessorsInfo |
Discover the list of processors from /proc/cpuinfo.
PrometheusMetricsProvider |
PrometheusServlet |
Servlet used to export metrics in prometheus text format.
PrometheusStatsLogger |
PrometheusTextFormat |
Logic to write metrics in Prometheus text format.
QueryAutoRecoveryStatusCommand |
Command to Query current auto recovery status.
QueryAutoRecoveryStatusCommand.QFlags |
Flags for list under replicated command.
RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy |
A placement policy implementation use rack information for placing ensembles.
RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicyImpl |
Simple rackware ensemble placement policy.
RackChangeNotifier |
Notifier used by the RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy to get notified if a
rack changes for a bookie.
RangeValidator |
Validator that validates a configuration value is in a numeric range.
ReadCache |
Read cache implementation.
ReadEntryProcessor |
ReadEntryProcessorV3 |
ReadHandle |
Provide read access to a ledger.
ReadJournalCommand |
Command to scan a journal file and format the entries into readable format.
ReadJournalCommand.ReadJournalFlags |
Flag for read journal command.
ReadLacProcessorV3 |
A read processor for v3 last add confirmed messages.
ReadLastConfirmedAndEntryContext |
ReadLastConfirmedAndEntryOp |
Long poll read operation.
ReadLastConfirmedAndEntryOp.LastConfirmedAndEntryCallback |
Wrapper to get all recovered data from the request.
ReadLastConfirmedOp |
This class encapsulated the read last confirmed operation.
ReadLastConfirmedOp.LastConfirmedDataCallback |
Wrapper to get all recovered data from the request.
ReadLedgerCommand |
Command to read ledger entries.
ReadLedgerCommand.ReadLedgerFlags |
Flags for read ledger command.
ReadLedgerEntryService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper read ledger entry related http request.
ReadLogCommand |
Command to read entry log files.
ReadLogCommand.ReadLogFlags |
Flags for read log command.
ReadLogMetadataCommand |
Command to print metadata of entry log.
ReadLogMetadataCommand.ReadLogMetadataFlags |
Flags for read log metadata command.
ReadOnlyBookie |
Implements a read only bookie.
ReadOnlyDefaultEntryLogger |
Read Only Entry Logger.
ReadOnlyFileInfo |
Provide a readonly file info.
ReadOnlyLedgerHandle |
Read only ledger handle.
ReadOpBase |
ReadOpBase.ReadContext |
RebuildDBLedgerLocationsIndexCommand |
Command to rebuild DBLedgerStorage locations index.
RebuildDBLedgersIndexCommand |
Command to rebuild DBLedgerStorage ledgers index.
RebuildDBLedgersIndexCommand.RebuildLedgersIndexFlags |
Flags for read log command.
RecoverCommand |
Command to ledger data recovery for failed bookie.
RecoverCommand.RecoverFlags |
Flags for recover command.
RecoveryBookieService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper recovery related http request.
RecoveryBookieService.RecoveryRequestJsonBody |
Recyclable |
An interface represents an object that is recyclable.
RecyclableArrayList<T> |
A simple list which is recyclable.
RecyclableArrayList.Recycler<X> |
An ArrayList recycler.
ReferenceCounted |
An interface for indicating an object is reference counted.
ReflectedIntCrc |
Implements a "reflected" LSB-first int-width CRC function using a lookup
ReflectedLongCrc |
Implements a "reflected" LSB-first long-width CRC function using a lookup
ReflectionUtils |
General Class Reflection Utils.
RegenerateInterleavedStorageIndexFileCommand |
Command to regenerate an index file for interleaved storage.
RegenerateInterleavedStorageIndexFileCommand.RISIFFlags |
Flags for regenerate interleaved storage index file command.
RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy |
A placement policy use region information in the network topology for placing ensembles.
RegistrationClient |
A registration client, which the bookkeeper client will use to interact with registration service.
RegistrationClient.RegistrationListener |
Listener to receive changes from the registration service.
RegistrationManager |
Registration manager interface, which a bookie server will use to do the registration process.
RegistrationManager.RegistrationListener |
Registration Listener on listening the registration state.
ReplicationEnableCb |
Callback which is getting notified when the replication process is enabled.
ReplicationException |
Exceptions for use within the replication service.
ReplicationException.BKAuditException |
Exception while auditing bookie-ledgers.
ReplicationException.CompatibilityException |
Compatibility error.
ReplicationException.NonRecoverableReplicationException |
The replication service encountered an error that requires service restart.
ReplicationException.UnavailableException |
The replication service has become unavailable.
ReplicationStats |
Replication statistics.
ReplicationWorker |
ReplicationWorker will take the fragments one by one from
ZKLedgerUnderreplicationManager and replicates to it.
RequestProcessor |
A request processor that is used for processing requests at bookie side.
RequestStats |
A umbrella class for request related stats.
RequestUtils |
Utilities for requests.
ResponseBuilder |
ResumeCompactionService |
Retries |
A util class for supporting retries with customized backoff.
RetryPolicy |
Interface of the policy to use when retrying operations.
RoundRobinDistributionSchedule |
RxSchedulerLifecycleComponent |
The scheduler for rxjava based jobs, such as data integrity checking.
SafeRunnable |
A runnable that catches runtime exceptions.
SafeRunnable |
A SafeRunnable implementation.
SanityTestCommand |
A bookie command to sanity test for local bookie.
SanityTestCommand.SanityFlags |
Flags for sanity command.
SASLBookieAuthProvider |
SASL Bookie Authentication Provider.
SASLBookieAuthProviderFactory |
BookieAuthProvider which uses JDK-bundled SASL.
SASLClientAuthProvider |
SASL Client Authentication Provider.
SASLClientProviderFactory |
ClientAuthProvider which uses JDK-bundled SASL.
SaslClientState |
A SASL Client State data object.
SaslClientState.ClientCallbackHandler |
SaslConstants |
SASL Constants.
SaslServerState |
Server side Sasl implementation.
ScanAndCompareGarbageCollector |
Garbage collector implementation using scan and compare.
ScopeContext |
Holder for a scope and a set of associated labels.
ScopeContext |
Holder for a scope and a set of associated labels.
ScriptBasedMapping |
ScrubberService |
ScrubberStats |
Stats associated with the consistency checker.
SecurityException |
Signals that a security-related exception has occurred.
SecurityHandlerFactory |
A factory to manage the security handlers.
SecurityHandlerFactory.NodeType |
The security handler type.
SecurityProviderFactoryFactory |
A factory to manage security provider factories.
ServerConfiguration |
Configuration manages server-side settings.
ServerLifecycleComponent |
ServiceURI |
ServiceURI represents service uri within bookkeeper cluster.
SettableFeature |
A feature implementation that allow changing availability programmatically.
SettableFeatureProvider |
A provider will provide settable features.
SharedResourceManager |
A holder for shared resource singletons.
SharedResourceManager.Resource<T> |
Defines a resource, and the way to create and destroy instances of it.
Shell |
A base class for running a Unix command.
Shell.ExitCodeException |
This is an IOException with exit code added.
Shell.ShellCommandExecutor |
A simple shell command executor.
ShortReadException |
Short Read Exception.
ShutdownUtil |
SimpleBookieServiceInfoProvider |
Simple Implementation of BookieServiceInfo supplier.
SimpleGauge<T extends java.lang.Number> |
A Gauge implementation that forwards on the value supplier.
SimpleHashParameters |
Hash parameters consisting only of an algorithm name.
SimpleTestCommand |
A client command that simply tests if a cluster is healthy.
SimpleTestCommand.Flags |
Flags for simple test command.
SingleDirectoryDbLedgerStorage |
Single directory implementation of LedgerStorage that uses RocksDB to keep the indexes for entries stored in
SingleDirectoryDbLedgerStorage.LedgerLoggerProcessor |
Interface which process ledger logger.
SingleThreadExecutor |
Implements a single thread executor that drains the queue in batches to minimize contention between threads.
SingleThreadExecutor.State |
SingleThreadSafeScheduledExecutorService |
SipHash24Parameters |
SkipListArena |
SkipList allocation buffer to reduce memory fragment.
SkipListArena.MemorySlice |
The result of a single allocation.
SkipListFlusher |
Flush entries from skip list.
Slf4jSlogger |
Slf4j implementation of slogger.
Sloggable |
Interface to be implemented by classes that want more control
over how they are added to a structured log.
SloggableAccumulator |
Interface passed to Sloggable instances, with which they
can add their own key/value pairs to the logged event.
Slogger |
Event logging interface will support for key value pairs and reusable context.
SlowBufferedChannel |
Strictly for testing.
SnapshotMap<K,V> |
A snapshotable map.
SortedLedgerStorage |
SpeculativeRequestExecutionPolicy |
Define a policy for speculative request execution.
SpeculativeRequestExecutor |
Define an executor for issuing speculative requests.
Sse42Crc32C |
Implementation of CRC-32C using the SSE 4.2 CRC instruction.
StabilizeNetworkTopology |
This is going to provide a stabilize network topology regarding to flapping zookeeper registration.
StabilizeNetworkTopology.NodeStatus |
StandardCRC32Digest |
Regular implementation of CRC32 digest that makes use of CRC32 class.
StandardCrcProvider |
Provides pure Java and JDK-supplied CRC implementations.
StatefulHash |
Represents a stateful hash function, which can accumulate input from multiple
method calls and provide output in various forms.
StatefulIntHash |
Interface implemented by stateful hash functions with an output length of 4
bytes or less.
StatefulLongHash |
Interface implemented by stateless hash functions with an output length
greater than 4 bytes and less than or equal to 8 bytes.
StatelessHash |
Base interface for stateless hash functions that immediately return the hash
value corresponding to a given input.
StatelessIntHash |
Interface implemented by stateless hash functions with an output length of 4
bytes or less.
StatelessLongHash |
Interface implemented by stateless hash functions with an output length
greater than 4 bytes and less than or equal to 8 bytes.
StateManager |
State management of Bookie, including register, turn bookie to w/r mode.
StateManager.ShutdownHandler |
ShutdownHandler used to shutdown bookie.
Stats |
An umbrella class for loading stats provider.
StatsDoc |
Documenting the stats.
StatsLogger |
A simple interface that exposes just 2 useful methods.
StatsProvider |
Provider to provide stats logger for different scopes.
StatsProviderService |
StreamUtil |
Java Stream related operations.
StringEntryFormatter |
A String-based entry formatter.
StringUtils |
Provided utilities for parsing network addresses, ledger-id from node paths
SubTreeCache |
Caching layer for traversing and monitoring changes on a znode subtree.
SubTreeCache.TreeProvider |
A tree provider.
SuspendCompactionService |
SwitchOfHealthCheckCommand |
Command to enable or disable health check in the cluster.
SwitchOfHealthCheckCommand.HealthCheckFlags |
Flags for health check command.
SyncCallbackUtils |
Utility for callbacks.
SyncCallbackUtils.FutureReadLastConfirmed |
SyncCallbackUtils.FutureReadLastConfirmedAndEntry |
SyncCallbackUtils.LastAddConfirmedCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncAddCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncCloseCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncCreateAdvCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncCreateCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncDeleteCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncOpenCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncReadCallback |
SyncCallbackUtils.SyncReadLastConfirmedCallback |
SyncCounter |
Implements objects to help with the synchronization of asynchronous calls.
SynchronizedHashMultiMap<K,V> |
Simple multimap implementation that only stores key reference once.
SyncThread |
SyncThread is a background thread which help checkpointing ledger storage
when a checkpoint is requested.
TGTRefreshThread |
TGT Refresh Thread.
ThreadRegistry |
For mapping thread ids to thread pools and threads within those pools
or just for lone named threads.
ThreadRegistry.ThreadPoolThread |
Stores the thread pool and ordinal.
ThreadScopedDataSketchesStatsLogger |
OpStatsLogger implementation that lazily registers OpStatsLoggers per thread
with added labels for the threadpool/thresd name and thread no.
ThreadScopedLongAdderCounter |
Counter implementation that lazily registers LongAdderCounters per thread
* with added labels for the threadpool/thread name and thread no.
TLSContextFactory |
A factory to manage TLS contexts.
TLSContextFactory.KeyStoreType |
Supported Key File Types.
ToggleCommand |
Command to enable or disable auto recovery in the cluster.
ToggleCommand.AutoRecoveryFlags |
Flags for auto recovery command.
Tool |
A tool interface that supports handling of generic command-line options.
TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy |
TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.DefaultResolver |
TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.DNSResolverDecorator |
Decorator for any existing dsn resolver.
TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.EnsembleForReplacementWithNoConstraints |
TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.RRTopologyAwareCoverageEnsemble |
A predicate checking the rack coverage for write quorum in RoundRobinDistributionSchedule ,
which ensures that a write quorum should be covered by at least two racks.
TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.RRTopologyAwareCoverageEnsemble.CoverageSet |
TopologyAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy.TruePredicate |
TransactionalEntryLogCompactor |
This class is used for compaction.
TransactionalEntryLogCompactor.CompactionPhase |
An abstract class that would be extended to be the actual transactional phases for compaction.
TransientLedgerInfo |
This class borrows the logic from FileInfo.
TriggerAuditCommand |
Command to trigger AuditTask by resetting lostBookieRecoveryDelay to its current value.
TriggerAuditService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper trigger audit related http request.
TriggerGCService |
HttpEndpointService that handle force trigger GC requests.
TriggerLocationCompactService |
HttpEndpointService that handle force trigger entry location compact requests.
TryReadLastConfirmedOp |
This op is try to read last confirmed without involving quorum coverage checking.
Type |
Config key types.
UncheckedConfigurationException |
Wraps a ConfigurationException with an unchecked exception.
UncleanShutdownDetection |
An interface for unclean shutdown detection.
UncleanShutdownDetectionImpl |
Used to determine if the prior shutdown was unclean or not.
UnderreplicatedLedger |
UnderReplicated ledger representation info.
UpdateBookieInLedgerCommand |
Command to update ledger command.
UpdateBookieInLedgerCommand.UpdateBookieInLedgerFlags |
Flags for update bookie in ledger command.
UpdateCookieCommand |
A command that updates cookie.
UpdateCookieCommand.Flags |
Flags to create a cookie for a given bookie.
UpdateLedgerOp |
Encapsulates updating the ledger metadata operation.
Validator |
Validator that validates configuration settings.
Value |
A metastore value.
Version |
An interface that allows us to determine if a given version happened before or after another version.
Version.Occurred |
Define the sequence of versions.
Versioned<T> |
A Versioned value represents a value associated with a version.
Watchable<T> |
This class represents an watchable object, or "data"
in the model-view paradigm.
Watcher<T> |
A class can implement the Watcher interface when it
wants to be informed of one-time changes in watchable objects.
WeightedRandomSelection<T> |
WeightedRandomSelection.WeightedObject |
WeightedRandomSelectionImpl<T> |
WhoIsAuditorCommand |
Command to print which node has the auditor lock.
WhoIsAuditorService |
HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper who is auditor related http request.
WriteAdvHandle |
Provide write access to a ledger.
WriteCache |
Write cache implementation.
WriteCache.EntryConsumer |
Consumer that is used to scan the entire write cache.
WriteEntryProcessor |
Processes add entry requests.
WriteEntryProcessorV3 |
WriteFlag |
Flags to specify the behaviour of writes.
WriteHandle |
Provide write access to a ledger.
WriteLacProcessorV3 |
WriterWithMetadata |
WriteSets |
Pregenerate the write sets.
ZeroBuffer |
Zero buffer utility.
ZkLayoutManager |
Provide utils for writing/reading/deleting layout in zookeeper.
ZkLedgerAuditorManager |
ZK based implementation of LedgerAuditorManager.
ZkLedgerIdGenerator |
ZooKeeper based ledger id generator class, which using EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL
with (ledgerIdGenPath)/ID- prefix to generate ledger id.
ZkLedgerUnderreplicationManager |
ZooKeeper implementation of underreplication manager.
ZKMetadataBookieDriver |
ZooKeeper based metadata bookie driver.
ZKMetadataClientDriver |
ZooKeeper based metadata client driver.
ZKMetadataDriverBase |
This is a mixin class for supporting zookeeper based metadata driver.
ZKRegistrationClient |
ZKRegistrationManager |
ZkUtils |
Provided utilities for zookeeper access, etc.
ZoneawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy |
A placement policy implementation use zone information for placing ensembles.
ZoneawareEnsemblePlacementPolicyImpl |
Simple zoneaware ensemble placement policy.
ZoneawareEnsemblePlacementPolicyImpl.ZoneAwareNodeLocation |
Zone and UpgradeDomain pair of a node.
ZooKeeperClient |
Provide a zookeeper client to handle session expire.
ZooKeeperClient.Builder |
A builder to build retryable zookeeper client.
ZooKeeperClient.ZkRetryRunnable |
A runnable that retries zookeeper operations.
ZooKeeperServerShim |
In order to be compatible with multiple versions of ZooKeeper.
ZooKeeperServerShimFactory |
A factory to create zookeeper server.
ZooKeeperServerShimImpl |
ZooKeeperWatcherBase |
Watcher for receiving zookeeper server connection events.
ZooWorker |
Provide a mechanism to perform an operation on ZooKeeper that is safe on disconnections
and recoverable errors.
ZooWorker.ZooCallable<T> |