Class OpenBuilderBase

    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
      • recovery

        protected boolean recovery
      • ledgerId

        protected long ledgerId
      • password

        protected byte[] password
    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenBuilderBase

        public OpenBuilderBase()
    • Method Detail

      • withLedgerId

        public OpenBuilder withLedgerId​(long ledgerId)
        Description copied from interface: OpenBuilder
        Set the id of the ledger to be opened.
        Specified by:
        withLedgerId in interface OpenBuilder
        the builder itself
      • withRecovery

        public OpenBuilder withRecovery​(boolean recovery)
        Description copied from interface: OpenBuilder
        Define to open the ledger in recovery mode or in readonly mode. In recovery mode the ledger will be fenced and the writer of the ledger will be prevented from issuing other writes to the ledger. It defaults to 'false'
        Specified by:
        withRecovery in interface OpenBuilder
        recovery - recovery mode
        the builder itself
      • withPassword

        public OpenBuilder withPassword​(byte[] password)
        Description copied from interface: OpenBuilder
        Sets the password to be used to open the ledger. It defaults to an empty password
        Specified by:
        withPassword in interface OpenBuilder
        password - the password to unlock the ledger
        the builder itself
      • validate

        protected int validate()