Interface MetastoreScannableTable

    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String EMPTY_START_KEY

        static final java.lang.String EMPTY_END_KEY
    • Method Detail

      • openCursor

        void openCursor​(java.lang.String firstKey,
                        boolean firstInclusive,
                        java.lang.String lastKey,
                        boolean lastInclusive,
                        MetastoreScannableTable.Order order,
                        MetastoreCallback<MetastoreCursor> cb,
                        java.lang.Object ctx)
        Open a cursor to loop over the entries belonging to a key range, which returns all fields for each entry.

        Return Code:
        MSException.Code.OK: an opened cursor
        MSException.Code.IllegalOp/MSException.Code.ServiceDown: other issues

        firstKey - Key to start scanning. If it is EMPTY_START_KEY, it starts from first key (inclusive).
        firstInclusive - true if firstKey is to be included in the returned view.
        lastKey - Key to stop scanning. If it is EMPTY_END_KEY, scan ends at the lastKey of the table (inclusive).
        lastInclusive - true if lastKey is to be included in the returned view.
        order - the order to loop over the entries
        cb - Callback to return an opened cursor.
        ctx - Callback context
      • openCursor

        void openCursor​(java.lang.String firstKey,
                        boolean firstInclusive,
                        java.lang.String lastKey,
                        boolean lastInclusive,
                        MetastoreScannableTable.Order order,
                        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fields,
                        MetastoreCallback<MetastoreCursor> cb,
                        java.lang.Object ctx)
        Open a cursor to loop over the entries belonging to a key range, which returns the specified fields for each entry.

        Return Code:
        MSException.Code.OK: an opened cursor
        MSException.Code.IllegalOp/MSException.Code.ServiceDown: other issues

        firstKey - Key to start scanning. If it is EMPTY_START_KEY, it starts from first key (inclusive).
        firstInclusive - true if firstKey is to be included in the returned view.
        lastKey - Key to stop scanning. If it is EMPTY_END_KEY, scan ends at the lastKey of the table (inclusive).
        lastInclusive - true if lastKey is to be included in the returned view.
        order - the order to loop over the entries
        fields - Fields to select
        cb - Callback to return an opened cursor.
        ctx - Callback context