AbstractLogCompactor |
Abstract entry log compactor used for compaction.
AbstractLogCompactor.LogRemovalListener |
AbstractLogCompactor.Throttler |
class Throttler.
Bookie |
Interface for the bookie.
Bookie.NoEntryException |
Exception is thrown when no such an entry is found in this bookie.
Bookie.NoLedgerException |
Exception is thrown when no such a ledger is found in this bookie.
BookieException |
Signals that a Bookie exception of some sort has occurred.
BookieException.EntryLogMetadataMapException |
Signal that error while accessing entry-log metadata map.
BookieException.InvalidCookieException |
Signal that an invalid cookie is found when starting a bookie.
BookieException.UpgradeException |
Signals that an exception occurs on upgrading a bookie.
BookieFileChannel |
A FileChannel for the JournalChannel read and write, we can use this interface to extend the FileChannel
which we use in the JournalChannel.
BookieImpl |
Implements a bookie.
BookieShell.Command |
BookieShell command.
BookieShell.MyCommand |
BookieStateManager |
An implementation of StateManager.
BookieStatus |
The status object represents the current status of a bookie instance.
BookieStatus.BookieMode |
BookieThread |
Wrapper that wraps bookie threads.
BufferedChannel |
Provides a buffering layer in front of a FileChannel.
BufferedChannelBase |
A BufferedChannelBase adds functionality to an existing file channel, the ability
to buffer the input and output data.
BufferedReadChannel |
A Buffered channel without a write buffer.
CacheCallback |
Interface plugged into caching to receive callback notifications.
Checkpointer |
The instance that is responsible for checkpointing ledger storage.
CheckpointSource |
Interface to communicate checkpoint progress.
CheckpointSource.Checkpoint |
A checkpoint presented a time point.
CompactableLedgerStorage |
Interface that identifies LedgerStorage implementations using EntryLogger and running periodic entries compaction.
Cookie |
When a bookie starts for the first time it generates a cookie, and stores
the cookie in registration manager as well as in the each of the local filesystem
directories it uses.
Cookie.Builder |
Cookie builder.
CookieValidation |
Interface for cookie validation.
DefaultEntryLogger |
This class manages the writing of the bookkeeper entries.
DefaultEntryLogger.BufferedLogChannel |
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLogListener |
Entry Log Listener.
DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException |
Exception type for representing lookup errors.
DefaultEntryLogger.RecentEntryLogsStatus |
Datastructure which maintains the status of logchannels.
EntryKey |
An EntryKey represents an entry in a ledger, identified by ledgerId and entryId .
EntryKeyValue |
An entry Key/Value.
EntryLocation |
An EntryLocation represents the location where an entry is stored.
EntryLogCompactor.CompactionScannerFactory |
A scanner wrapper to check whether a ledger is alive in an entry log file.
EntryLoggerAllocator |
An allocator pre-allocates entry log files.
EntryLogManager |
EntryLogManagerBase |
EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger.BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo |
EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger.EntryLogAndLockTuple |
EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger.EntryLogsPerLedgerCounter |
EntryLogMetadata |
Records the total size, remaining size and the set of ledgers that comprise a
entry log.
EntryLogMetadata.EntryLogMetadataRecyclable |
EntryLogMetadataMap |
Map-store to store Entrylogger metadata.
EntryMemTable |
The EntryMemTable holds in-memory representation to the entries not-yet flushed.
EntryMemTable.EntrySkipList |
Entry skip list.
FileChannelProvider |
An interface of the FileChannelProvider.
FileInfo |
This is the file handle for a ledger's index file that maps entry ids to location.
FileInfoBackingCache |
FileInfoBackingCache.CachedFileInfo |
FileInfoBackingCache.FileLoader |
GarbageCollectionStatus |
This is the garbage collection thread status.
GarbageCollectionStatus.GarbageCollectionStatusBuilder |
GarbageCollector |
This is the garbage collector interface, garbage collector implementers
need to extends this class to remove the deleted ledgers.
GarbageCollector.GarbageCleaner |
A interface used to define customised garbage cleaner.
GarbageCollectorThread |
This is the garbage collector thread that runs in the background to
remove any entry log files that no longer contains any active ledger.
HandleFactory |
IndexInMemPageMgr |
IndexPersistenceMgr |
A IndexPersistenceMgr is responsible for managing the persistence state for the index in a bookie.
InterleavedLedgerStorage |
Interleave ledger storage.
Journal |
Provide journal related management.
Journal.BufferedChannelBuilder |
For testability.
Journal.ForceWriteRequest |
Token which represents the need to force a write to the Journal.
Journal.JournalIdFilter |
Filter to pickup journals.
Journal.JournalScanner |
Scanner used to scan a journal.
Journal.LastLogMark |
Last Log Mark.
Journal.QueueEntry |
Journal Entry to Record.
JournalAliveListener |
Listener for journal alive.
JournalChannel |
Simple wrapper around FileChannel to add versioning
information to the file.
KeyComparator |
Compare EntryKey.
LastAddConfirmedUpdateNotification |
A signal object is used for notifying the observers when the LastAddConfirmed is advanced.
LedgerCache |
This class maps a ledger entry number into a location (entrylogid, offset) in
an entry log file.
LedgerCache.LedgerIndexMetadata |
Represents summary of ledger metadata.
LedgerCache.PageEntriesIterable |
Iterable over index pages -- returns PageEntries rather than individual
entries because getEntries() above needs to be able to throw an IOException.
LedgerDescriptor |
Implements a ledger inside a bookie.
LedgerDescriptorImpl |
Implements a ledger inside a bookie.
LedgerDirsManager |
This class manages ledger directories used by the bookie.
LedgerDirsManager.LedgerDirsListener |
Listener for the disk check events will be notified from the
LedgerDirsManager whenever disk full/failure detected.
LedgerDirsManager.NoWritableLedgerDirException |
Indicates All configured ledger directories are full.
LedgerDirsMonitor |
Thread to monitor the disk space periodically.
LedgerEntryPage |
This is a page in the LedgerCache.
LedgerEntryPage.EntryVisitor |
Interface for getEntries to propagate entry, pos pairs.
LedgerStorage |
Interface for storing ledger data on persistent storage.
LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency |
Class for describing location of a generic inconsistency.
LedgerStorage.LedgerDeletionListener |
Signals that a ledger is deleted by the garbage collection thread.
LedgerStorage.StorageState |
StorageState flags.
LegacyCookieValidation |
Legacy implementation of CookieValidation.
LEPStateChangeCallback |
Callback interface when state of ledger entry page changed.
LogMark |
Journal stream position.
ScanAndCompareGarbageCollector |
Garbage collector implementation using scan and compare.
SkipListArena |
SkipList allocation buffer to reduce memory fragment.
SkipListArena.MemorySlice |
The result of a single allocation.
SkipListFlusher |
Flush entries from skip list.
StateManager |
State management of Bookie, including register, turn bookie to w/r mode.
StateManager.ShutdownHandler |
ShutdownHandler used to shutdown bookie.
SyncThread |
SyncThread is a background thread which help checkpointing ledger storage
when a checkpoint is requested.
TransactionalEntryLogCompactor.CompactionPhase |
An abstract class that would be extended to be the actual transactional phases for compaction.
UncleanShutdownDetection |
An interface for unclean shutdown detection.