Package org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie
Provides a Bookie server that stores entries for clients.
Interface Summary Interface Description AbstractLogCompactor.LogRemovalListener LogRemovalListener.Bookie Interface for the bookie.BookieException.Code An exception code indicates the failure reason.BookieFileChannel A FileChannel for the JournalChannel read and write, we can use this interface to extend the FileChannel which we use in the JournalChannel.BookieShell.Command BookieShell command.BookieShell.UpdateLedgerNotifier A facility for reporting update ledger progress.BookKeeperServerStats A utility class used for managing the stats constants used in server side.CacheCallback Interface plugged into caching to receive callback notifications.Checkpointer The instance that is responsible for checkpointing ledger storage.CheckpointSource Interface to communicate checkpoint progress.CheckpointSource.Checkpoint A checkpoint presented a time point.CompactableLedgerStorage Interface that identifies LedgerStorage implementations using EntryLogger and running periodic entries compaction.CookieValidation Interface for cookie validation.DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLogListener Entry Log Listener.EntryLogManager EntryLogMetadataMap Map-store to store Entrylogger metadata.FileChannelProvider An interface of the FileChannelProvider.FileInfoBackingCache.FileLoader GarbageCollector This is the garbage collector interface, garbage collector implementers need to extends this class to remove the deleted ledgers.GarbageCollector.GarbageCleaner A interface used to define customised garbage cleaner.HandleFactory Journal.BufferedChannelBuilder For testability.Journal.JournalIdFilter Filter to pickup journals.Journal.JournalScanner Scanner used to scan a journal.JournalAliveListener Listener for journal alive.LedgerCache This class maps a ledger entry number into a location (entrylogid, offset) in an entry log file.LedgerCache.PageEntries Represents a page of the index.LedgerCache.PageEntriesIterable Iterable over index pages -- returns PageEntries rather than individual entries because getEntries() above needs to be able to throw an IOException.LedgerDirsManager.LedgerDirsListener Listener for the disk check events will be notified from theLedgerDirsManager
whenever disk full/failure detected.LedgerEntryPage.EntryVisitor Interface for getEntries to propagate entry, pos pairs.LedgerStorage Interface for storing ledger data on persistent storage.LedgerStorage.LedgerDeletionListener Signals that a ledger is deleted by the garbage collection thread.LEPStateChangeCallback Callback interface when state of ledger entry page changed.SkipListFlusher Flush entries from skip list.StateManager State management of Bookie, including register, turn bookie to w/r mode.StateManager.ShutdownHandler ShutdownHandler used to shutdown bookie.UncleanShutdownDetection An interface for unclean shutdown detection. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractLogCompactor Abstract entry log compactor used for compaction.AbstractLogCompactor.Throttler class Throttler.BookieCriticalThread Thread is marked as critical and will exit, when there is an uncaught exception occurred in thread.BookieImpl Implements a bookie.BookieImpl.NopWriteCallback BookieResources Centralizes the creation of injected resources.BookieShell Bookie Shell is to provide utilities for users to administer a bookkeeper cluster.BookieStateManager An implementation of StateManager.BookieStatus The status object represents the current status of a bookie instance.BookieThread Wrapper that wraps bookie threads.BufferedChannel Provides a buffering layer in front of a FileChannel.BufferedChannelBase ABufferedChannelBase
adds functionality to an existing file channel, the ability to buffer the input and output data.BufferedReadChannel A Buffered channel without a write buffer.CheckpointSourceList ACheckpointSourceList
manages a list ofCheckpointSource
s.Cookie When a bookie starts for the first time it generates a cookie, and stores the cookie in registration manager as well as in the each of the local filesystem directories it uses.Cookie.Builder Cookie builder.DefaultEntryLogger This class manages the writing of the bookkeeper entries.DefaultEntryLogger.BufferedLogChannel DefaultEntryLogger.RecentEntryLogsStatus Datastructure which maintains the status of logchannels.DefaultFileChannel Default FileChannel for bookie to read and write.DefaultFileChannelProvider A wrapper of FileChannel.EntryKey AnEntryKey
represents an entry in a ledger, identified byledgerId
.EntryKeyValue An entry Key/Value.EntryLocation AnEntryLocation
represents the location where an entry is stored.EntryLogCompactor This is the basic entry log compactor to compact entry logs.EntryLoggerAllocator An allocator pre-allocates entry log files.EntryLogManagerBase EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger.BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo EntryLogManagerForSingleEntryLog EntryLogMetadata Records the total size, remaining size and the set of ledgers that comprise a entry log.EntryLogMetadata.EntryLogMetadataRecyclable RecyclableEntryLogMetadata
class.EntryMemTable The EntryMemTable holds in-memory representation to the entries not-yet flushed.EntryMemTable.EntrySkipList Entry skip list.EntryMemTableWithParallelFlusher EntryMemTableWithParallelFlusher.ExitCode Exit code used to exit bookie server.FileInfo This is the file handle for a ledger's index file that maps entry ids to location.FileInfoBackingCache FileSystemUpgrade Application for upgrading the bookkeeper filesystem between versions.GarbageCollectionStatus This is the garbage collection thread status.GarbageCollectionStatus.GarbageCollectionStatusBuilder GarbageCollectorThread This is the garbage collector thread that runs in the background to remove any entry log files that no longer contains any active ledger.HandleFactoryImpl IndexInMemPageMgr IndexPersistenceMgr AIndexPersistenceMgr
is responsible for managing the persistence state for the index in a bookie.InMemoryEntryLogMetadataMap In-memory metadata-store to store entry-log metadata-map in memory-map.InterleavedLedgerStorage Interleave ledger storage.InterleavedStorageRegenerateIndexOp Scan all entries in the entry log and rebuild the index file for one ledger.InterleavedStorageRegenerateIndexOp.DryRunLedgerCache InterleavedStorageRegenerateIndexOp.RecoveryStats Journal Provide journal related management.Journal.ForceWriteRequest Token which represents the need to force a write to the Journal.Journal.QueueEntry Journal Entry to Record.JournalChannel Simple wrapper around FileChannel to add versioning information to the file.KeyComparator Compare EntryKey.LastAddConfirmedUpdateNotification A signal object is used for notifying the observers when theLastAddConfirmed
is advanced.LedgerCache.LedgerIndexMetadata Represents summary of ledger metadata.LedgerCacheImpl Implementation of LedgerCache interface.LedgerDescriptor Implements a ledger inside a bookie.LedgerDescriptorImpl Implements a ledger inside a bookie.LedgerDescriptorReadOnlyImpl Implements a ledger inside a bookie.LedgerDirsManager This class manages ledger directories used by the bookie.LedgerDirsMonitor Thread to monitor the disk space periodically.LedgerEntryPage This is a page in the LedgerCache.LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency Class for describing location of a generic inconsistency.LedgerStorageFactory A factory that createsLedgerStorage
by reflection.LegacyCookieValidation Legacy implementation of CookieValidation.LocalBookieEnsemblePlacementPolicy Special ensemble placement policy that always return local bookie.LogMark Journal stream position.ReadOnlyBookie Implements a read only bookie.ReadOnlyDefaultEntryLogger Read Only Entry Logger.ReadOnlyFileInfo Provide a readonly file info.ScanAndCompareGarbageCollector Garbage collector implementation using scan and compare.ScrubberStats Stats associated with the consistency checker.SkipListArena SkipList allocation buffer to reduce memory fragment.SkipListArena.MemorySlice The result of a single allocation.SlowBufferedChannel Strictly for testing.SortedLedgerStorage ASortedLedgerStorage
is an extension ofInterleavedLedgerStorage
.SyncThread SyncThread is a background thread which help checkpointing ledger storage when a checkpoint is requested.TransactionalEntryLogCompactor This class is used for compaction.TransactionalEntryLogCompactor.CompactionPhase An abstract class that would be extended to be the actual transactional phases for compaction.UncleanShutdownDetectionImpl Used to determine if the prior shutdown was unclean or not. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BookieStatus.BookieMode LedgerStorage.StorageState StorageState flags. -
Exception Summary Exception Description Bookie.NoEntryException Exception is thrown when no such an entry is found in this bookie.Bookie.NoLedgerException Exception is thrown when no such a ledger is found in this bookie.BookieException Signals that a Bookie exception of some sort has occurred.BookieException.BookieIllegalOpException Signals that an illegal operation attempts to access the data in a bookie.BookieException.BookieUnauthorizedAccessException Signals that an unauthorized operation attempts to access the data in a bookie.BookieException.CookieExistException Signal that cookie already exists when creating a new cookie.BookieException.CookieNotFoundException Signal that no cookie is found when starting a bookie.BookieException.DataUnknownException Signal when a ledger is in a limbo state and certain operations cannot be performed on it.BookieException.DiskPartitionDuplicationException Signals when multiple ledger/journal directories are mounted in same disk partition.BookieException.EntryLogMetadataMapException Signal that error while accessing entry-log metadata map.BookieException.InvalidCookieException Signal that an invalid cookie is found when starting a bookie.BookieException.LedgerFencedException Signals that a ledger has been fenced in a bookie.BookieException.MetadataStoreException Signal when bookie has problems on accessing metadata store.BookieException.OperationRejectedException Signals that a ledger's operation has been rejected by an internal component because of the resource saturation.BookieException.UnknownBookieIdException Signal when bookie has problems on accessing metadata store.BookieException.UpgradeException Signals that an exception occurs on upgrading a bookie.BufferedChannelBase.BufferedChannelClosedException DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException Exception type for representing lookup errors.DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.InvalidEntryLengthException Represents case where log is present, but encoded entry length header is invalid.DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.MissingEntryException Represents case where entry log is present, but does not contain the specified entry.DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.MissingLogFileException Represents case where log file is missing.DefaultEntryLogger.EntryLookupException.WrongEntryException Represents case where the entry at pos is wrong.FileInfo.FileInfoDeletedException LedgerCache.NoIndexForLedgerException Specific exception to encode the case where the index is not present.LedgerDirsManager.NoWritableLedgerDirException Indicates All configured ledger directories are full.ShortReadException Short Read Exception.