Package org.apache.bookkeeper.server.http.service
Define the services running in bookkeeper admin http server.
Class Summary Class Description AutoRecoveryStatusService HttpEndpointService that handles Autorecovery status related http requests.BookieInfoService HttpEndpointService that exposes the current info of the bookie.BookieInfoService.BookieInfo POJO definition for the bookie info response.BookieIsReadyService HttpEndpointService that returns 200 if the bookie is ready.BookieSanityService HttpEndpointService that exposes the bookie sanity state.BookieSanityService.BookieSanity POJO definition for the bookie sanity response.BookieStateReadOnlyService HttpEndpointService that handles readOnly state related http requests.BookieStateReadOnlyService.ReadOnlyState The object represent the readOnly state.BookieStateService HttpEndpointService that exposes the current state of the bookie.BookieStateService.BookieState POJO definition for the bookie state response.ClusterInfoService HttpEndpointService that exposes the current info about the cluster of bookies.ClusterInfoService.ClusterInfo POJO definition for the cluster info response.ConfigurationService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper Configuration related http request.DecommissionService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper Decommission related http request.DeleteLedgerService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper delete ledger related http request.ExpandStorageService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper expand storage related http request.GCDetailsService HttpEndpointService that handle get garbage collection details service.GetLastLogMarkService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper get last log mark related http request.GetLedgerMetaService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper get ledger metadata related http request.ListBookieInfoService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list bookie info related http request.ListBookiesService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list bookies related http request.ListDiskFilesService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list disk files related http request.ListLedgerService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list ledger related http request.ListUnderReplicatedLedgerService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper list under replicated ledger related http request.LostBookieRecoveryDelayService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper lost bookie recovery delay parameter related http request.MetricsService HttpEndpointService that handle exposing metrics.ReadLedgerEntryService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper read ledger entry related http request.RecoveryBookieService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper recovery related http request.RecoveryBookieService.RecoveryRequestJsonBody ResumeCompactionService SuspendCompactionService TriggerAuditService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper trigger audit related http request.TriggerGCService HttpEndpointService that handle force trigger GC requests.TriggerLocationCompactService HttpEndpointService that handle force trigger entry location compact requests.WhoIsAuditorService HttpEndpointService that handle Bookkeeper who is auditor related http request.