(package private) class |
BookieShell.AutoRecoveryCmd |
Command for administration of autorecovery.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.BookieFormatCmd |
Formats the local data present in current bookie server.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.BookieInfoCmd |
(package private) class |
BookieShell.BookieSanityTestCmd |
Command to run a bookie sanity test.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.CheckDbLedgersIndexCmd |
Rebuild DbLedgerStorage ledgers index.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ClusterInfoCmd |
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ConvertToDbStorageCmd |
Convert bookie indexes from InterleavedStorage to DbLedgerStorage format.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ConvertToInterleavedStorageCmd |
Convert bookie indexes from DbLedgerStorage to InterleavedStorage format.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.DecommissionBookieCmd |
Command to trigger AuditTask by resetting lostBookieRecoveryDelay and
then make sure the ledgers stored in the bookie are properly replicated
and Cookie of the decommissioned bookie should be deleted from metadata
(package private) class |
BookieShell.DeleteLedgerCmd |
Command to delete a given ledger.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.EndpointInfoCmd |
Command to retrieve remote bookie endpoint information.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ForceAuditorChecksCmd |
(package private) class |
BookieShell.HelpCmd |
Command to print help message.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.InitBookieCmd |
Initializes bookie, by making sure that the journalDir, ledgerDirs and
indexDirs are empty and there is no registered Bookie with this BookieId.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.InitNewCluster |
Initializes new cluster by creating required znodes for the cluster.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.LastMarkCmd |
Command to print last log mark.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.LedgerCmd |
Ledger Command Handles ledger related operations.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.LedgerMetadataCmd |
Print the metadata for a ledger.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ListActiveLedgersCmd |
List active ledgers on entry log file.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ListBookiesCmd |
List available bookies.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ListDiskFilesCmd |
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ListLedgersCmd |
Command to list all ledgers in the cluster.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ListUnderreplicatedCmd |
Command for listing underreplicated ledgers.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.LocalConsistencyCheck |
Check local storage for inconsistencies.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.LostBookieRecoveryDelayCmd |
Setter and Getter for LostBookieRecoveryDelay value (in seconds) in metadata store.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.MetaFormatCmd |
Format the bookkeeper metadata present in zookeeper.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.MyCommand |
(package private) class |
BookieShell.NukeExistingCluster |
Nuke bookkeeper metadata of existing cluster in zookeeper.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.QueryAutoRecoveryStatusCmd |
Command to query autorecovery status.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ReadJournalCmd |
Command to read journal files.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ReadLedgerEntriesCmd |
Command for reading ledger entries.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ReadLogCmd |
Command to read entry log files.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.ReadLogMetadataCmd |
Command to print metadata of entrylog.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.RebuildDbLedgerLocationsIndexCmd |
Rebuild DbLedgerStorage locations index.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.RebuildDbLedgersIndexCmd |
Rebuild DbLedgerStorage ledgers index.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.RecoverCmd |
Recover command for ledger data recovery for failed bookie.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.RegenerateInterleavedStorageIndexFile |
Regenerate an index file for interleaved storage.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.SimpleTestCmd |
Simple test to create a ledger and write to it.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.TriggerAuditCmd |
Command to trigger AuditTask by resetting lostBookieRecoveryDelay to its current value.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.UpdateBookieInLedgerCmd |
Update bookie into ledger command.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.UpdateCookieCmd |
Update cookie command.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.UpdateLedgerCmd |
Update ledger command.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.WhatIsInstanceId |
Prints the instanceid of the cluster.
(package private) class |
BookieShell.WhoIsAuditorCmd |
Print which node has the auditor lock.