com.scurrilous.circe |
Provides interfaces and minimal support classes for providing and consuming
various forms of hash functions.
com.scurrilous.circe.checksum |
com.scurrilous.circe.crc |
com.scurrilous.circe.impl |
Provides support for implementing new hash providers in the form of abstract
base classes and utility classes.
com.scurrilous.circe.params |
Defines hash parameters
classes that describe various commonly-used hash functions.
org.apache.bookkeeper.auth |
Classes used to handle authentication in bookies and clients.
org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie |
Provides a Bookie server that stores entries for clients.
org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.datainteg |
Package of the classes for defining bookie stats.
org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.stats |
Package of the classes for defining bookie stats.
| |
Provides a Bookie server that stores entries for clients.
| |
Support for bookie entry logs using Direct IO.
| |
Classes related to DB based ledger storage.
org.apache.bookkeeper.client |
BookKeeper Client.
org.apache.bookkeeper.client.api |
BookKeeper Client Public API.
org.apache.bookkeeper.client.impl |
BookKeeper Client implementation package.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common |
Common functions and utils used across the project.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.allocator |
defines the utilities for allocator used across the project.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.allocator.impl |
Implements the utilities for allocator used across the project.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.annotation |
Annotations used across the whole project.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.collections |
Bookkeeper common collections.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.component |
Component and lifecycle management.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.concurrent |
Utility classes commonly useful in concurrent programming.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf |
Configuration related utilities.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.conf.validators |
A collection of validators that validate configuration settings.
| |
Classes for resolving service uris in bookkeeper.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.stats |
Stats Related Utils.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util |
defines the utilities for allocator used across the project.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.affinity |
Util functions for CPU affinity.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.affinity.impl |
Implementation of util functions for CPU affinity.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.nativeio |
Utilities to access I/O using JNI.
org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.nativelib |
Utilities for Native Libraries.
org.apache.bookkeeper.conf |
Configurations used by bookkeeper.
| |
Classes related to service discovery.
org.apache.bookkeeper.feature |
A feature-flag system
that is used to proportionally control what features are enabled for the system.
org.apache.bookkeeper.meta |
Classes for interacting with bookkeeper ledgers and ledger metadata.
org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.exceptions |
Exceptions for metadata service.
org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.zk |
ZooKeeper based metadata implementation.
org.apache.bookkeeper.metastore |
MetaStore-related classes.
| |
Network-related classes.
org.apache.bookkeeper.processor |
Define the processors used by bookie from processing requests.
org.apache.bookkeeper.proto |
Classes related to the Bookkeeper protocol.
org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.checksum |
Classes related to the Bookkeeper checksum.
org.apache.bookkeeper.replication |
Classes for replicating Bookkeeper data.
org.apache.bookkeeper.sasl |
SASL and JAAS Authentication classes.
org.apache.bookkeeper.server |
BookKeeper Server (Bookie) related components.
org.apache.bookkeeper.server.component |
The lifecycle components that run on a bookie server.
org.apache.bookkeeper.server.conf |
Server component related configuration.
org.apache.bookkeeper.server.http |
Package for bookkeeper http service.
org.apache.bookkeeper.server.http.service |
Define the services running in bookkeeper admin http server.
org.apache.bookkeeper.server.service |
Services running in a storage server (bookie).
org.apache.bookkeeper.shims.zk |
A shim layer to adopt different zookeeper versions.
org.apache.bookkeeper.slogger |
Structured logging.
org.apache.bookkeeper.slogger.slf4j |
Structured logging (slf4j implementation).
org.apache.bookkeeper.stats |
A lightweight stats library used for exporting bookkeeper stats.
org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.annotations |
Annotations for bookkeeper stats api.
org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.codahale |
A lightweight stats library implementation based on Codahale metrics library.
org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.otel |
A stats provider implementation based on OpenTelemetry.
org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.prometheus |
A stats provider implementation based on {@link}.
org.apache.bookkeeper.streaming |
A java io stream wrapper over bookkeeper ledgers.
org.apache.bookkeeper.tls |
Security and TLS-related classes.
| |
BookKeeper CLI that interacts with bookkeeper cluster.
| |
This package provides all the actual commands in bookie shell.
| |
| |
Commands to operate a single bookie.
| |
Commands on operating a cluster of bookies.
| |
This package contains all client related commands.
| |
Cookie related cli commands.
| |
| |
This classes provides some helper mixins for easily to add commands
to bookie shell.
| |
Common classes used across multiple tools.
| |
BookKeeper Tool Framework.
org.apache.bookkeeper.util |
Bookkeeper utilities.
org.apache.bookkeeper.util.collections |
Bookkeeper collection utilities.
org.apache.bookkeeper.util.nativeio |
org.apache.bookkeeper.utils.affinity |
org.apache.bookkeeper.verifier |
Simple self-verifying workload generator.
org.apache.bookkeeper.versioning |
a versioning library provides an abstraction over versioned data.
org.apache.bookkeeper.zookeeper |
A simple retryable zookeeper wrapper provided in bookkeeper.