Commands on operating a cluster of bookies.
Class Summary Class Description ClusterInfoCommand A bookie command to retrieve bookies cluster info.ClusterInfoCommand.ClusterInfo POJO definition for the cluster info response.DecommissionCommand Command to trigger AuditTask by resetting lostBookieRecoveryDelay and then make sure the ledgers stored in the bookie are properly replicated and Cookie of the decommissioned bookie should be deleted from metadata server.DecommissionCommand.DecommissionFlags Flags for decommission command.EndpointInfoCommand Get endpoint information about a Bookie.EndpointInfoCommand.EndpointInfoFlags Flags for this command.InfoCommand A bookie command to retrieve bookie info.InitCommand Initializes new cluster by creating required znodes for the cluster.InstanceIdCommand Command to print instance id of the cluster.ListBookiesCommand Command to list available bookies.ListBookiesCommand.Flags Flags for list bookies command.MetaFormatCommand Format the bookkeeper metadata present in zookeeper.MetaFormatCommand.MetaFormatFlags Flags for command meta format.NukeExistingClusterCommand Nuke bookkeeper metadata of existing cluster in zookeeper.NukeExistingClusterCommand.NukeExistingClusterFlags Flags for nuke existing cluster command.RecoverCommand Command to ledger data recovery for failed bookie.RecoverCommand.RecoverFlags Flags for recover command.