Package | Description |
org.apache.bookkeeper.conf |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setAllowLoopback(boolean allow)
Configure the bookie to allow loopback interfaces to be used
as the primary bookie interface.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setAutoRecoveryDaemonEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets that whether the auto-recovery service can start along with Bookie
server itself or not
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setBookiePort(int port)
Set new bookie port that bookie server listen on
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setCompactionMaxOutstandingRequests(int maxOutstandingRequests)
Set the maximum number of entries which can be compacted without flushing.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setCompactionRate(int rate)
Set the rate of compaction adds.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setCompactionRateByBytes(int rate)
Set the rate of compaction adds.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setCompactionRateByEntries(int rate)
Set the rate of compaction adds.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setDiskCheckInterval(int interval)
Set the disk checker interval to monitor ledger disk space
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setDiskUsageThreshold(float threshold)
Set the Disk free space threshold as a fraction of the total
after which disk will be considered as full during disk check.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setDiskUsageWarnThreshold(float threshold)
Set the warning threshold for disk usage.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setEnableLocalTransport(boolean enableLocalTransport)
Configure the bookie to listen for BookKeeper clients executed on the local JVM
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setEntryLogFilePreAllocationEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enable/disable entry log file preallocation.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setEntryLogSizeLimit(long logSizeLimit)
Set entry logger size limitation
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setFlushInterval(int flushInterval)
Set flush interval
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setForceReadOnlyBookie(boolean enabled)
Sets that whether force start a bookie in readonly mode
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setGcOverreplicatedLedgerWaitTime(long gcWaitTime,
TimeUnit unit)
Set wait time for garbage collection of overreplicated ledgers.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setGcWaitTime(long gcWaitTime)
Set garbage collection wait time
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setIndexDirName(String[] indexDirs)
Set dir name to store index files.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setIsForceGCAllowWhenNoSpace(boolean force)
Set whether force GC is allowed when disk full or almost full.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setIsThrottleByBytes(boolean byBytes)
Set whether use bytes to throttle garbage collector compaction or not
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setJournalAdaptiveGroupWrites(boolean enabled)
Enable/disable group journal force writes
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setJournalAlignmentSize(int size)
Set journal alignment size.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setJournalBufferedEntriesThreshold(int maxEntries)
Set maximum entries to buffer to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setJournalDirName(String journalDir)
Set dir name to store journal files
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setJournalFlushWhenQueueEmpty(boolean enabled)
Set if we should flush the journal when queue is empty
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setJournalFormatVersionToWrite(int version)
Set journal format version to write.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setJournalRemovePagesFromCache(boolean enabled)
Sets that whether should we remove pages from page cache after force write.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setLedgerDirNames(String[] ledgerDirs)
Set dir names to store ledger data
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setLedgerStorageClass(String ledgerStorageClass)
Set the
LedgerStorage implementation class name |
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setListeningInterface(String iface)
Set the network interface that the bookie should listen on.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setMajorCompactionInterval(long interval)
Set interval to run major compaction.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setMajorCompactionThreshold(double threshold)
Set threshold of major compaction.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setMaxBackupJournals(int maxBackupJournals)
Set max number of older journal files to kept
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setMaxJournalSizeMB(long maxJournalSize)
Set new max journal file size
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setMinorCompactionInterval(long interval)
Set interval to run minor compaction
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setMinorCompactionThreshold(double threshold)
Set threshold of minor compaction
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setNumAddWorkerThreads(int numThreads)
Set the number of threads that would handle write requests.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setNumJournalCallbackThreads(int numThreads)
Set the number of threads that would handle journal callbacks.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setNumReadWorkerThreads(int numThreads)
Set the number of threads that would handle read requests.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setOpenFileLimit(int fileLimit)
Set limitation of number of open files.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setPageLimit(int pageLimit)
Set limitation number of index pages in ledger cache.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setPageSize(int pageSize)
Set page size
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setReadBufferBytes(int readBufferSize)
Set the number of bytes we should use as capacity for
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setReadOnlyModeEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set whether the bookie is able to go into read-only mode.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setServerTcpNoDelay(boolean noDelay)
Set socket nodelay setting
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setSkipListArenaChunkSize(int size)
Set the number of bytes w used as chunk allocation for
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setSkipListSizeLimit(int size)
Set skip list size limit.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setSortedLedgerStorageEnabled(boolean enabled)
setLedgerStorageClass(String) to configure the implementation class |
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Turn on/off statistics
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setStatsProviderClass(Class<? extends org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsProvider> providerClass)
Set the stats provider used by bookie.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setUseHostNameAsBookieID(boolean useHostName)
Configure the bookie to use its hostname to register with the
co-ordination service(eg: zookeeper) and in ledger metadata
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setWriteBufferBytes(int writeBufferBytes)
Set the number of bytes used as capacity for the write buffer.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setZkRetryBackoffMaxMs(int retryMs)
Set zookeeper client backoff retry max time in millis.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setZkRetryBackoffStartMs(int retryMs)
Set zookeeper client backoff retry start time in millis.
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setZkServers(String zkServers)
Set zookeeper servers to connect
ServerConfiguration |
ServerConfiguration.setZkTimeout(int zkTimeout)
Set zookeeper timeout
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