Package | Description |
org.apache.bookkeeper.client | |
org.apache.bookkeeper.conf |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ClientConfiguration |
BookKeeper.getConf() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static BookKeeper.Builder |
BookKeeper.forConfig(ClientConfiguration conf) |
static boolean |
BookKeeperAdmin.format(ClientConfiguration conf,
boolean isInteractive,
boolean force)
Format the BookKeeper metadata in zookeeper
Constructor and Description |
BookKeeper(ClientConfiguration conf)
Create a bookkeeper client using a configuration object.
BookKeeper(ClientConfiguration conf,
org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper zk)
Create a bookkeeper client but use the passed in zookeeper client instead
of instantiating one.
BookKeeper(ClientConfiguration conf,
org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper zk, channelFactory)
Create a bookkeeper client but use the passed in zookeeper client and
client socket channel factory instead of instantiating those.
BookKeeperAdmin(ClientConfiguration conf)
Constructor that takes in a configuration object so we know
how to connect to ZooKeeper to retrieve information about the BookKeeper
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ClientConfiguration |
Enables the bookie health check.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setAddEntryQuorumTimeout(int timeout)
Set timeout for top-level add entry request.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setAddEntryTimeout(int timeout)
Set timeout for add entry request.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setBookieErrorThresholdPerInterval(long thresholdPerInterval)
Set the error threshold per interval (
getBookieHealthCheckIntervalSeconds() ) for a bookie before it is
quarantined. |
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setBookieHealthCheckInterval(int interval,
TimeUnit unit)
Set the bookie health check interval.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setBookieQuarantineTime(int quarantineTime,
TimeUnit unit)
Set the time for which a bookie will be quarantined.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setBookieRecoveryDigestType(BookKeeper.DigestType digestType)
Set digest type used in bookkeeper admin.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setBookieRecoveryPasswd(byte[] passwd)
Set passwd used in bookkeeper admin.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setClientAuthProviderFactoryClass(String factoryClass)
Set the client authentication provider factory class name.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setClientConnectTimeoutMillis(int connectTimeoutMillis)
Set client netty connect timeout in millis.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setClientReceiveBufferSize(int bufferSize)
Set client netty channel receive buffer size.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setClientSendBufferSize(int bufferSize)
Set client netty channel send buffer size.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setClientTcpNoDelay(boolean noDelay)
Set socket nodelay setting.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setClientWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int waterMark)
Set client netty channel write buffer high water mark.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setClientWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int waterMark)
Set client netty channel write buffer low water mark.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setEnableTaskExecutionStats(boolean enabled)
Enable/Disable recording task execution stats.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setEnsemblePlacementPolicy(Class<? extends EnsemblePlacementPolicy> policyClass)
Set Ensemble Placement Policy Class.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setNumChannelsPerBookie(int numChannelsPerBookie)
Set num channels per bookie.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setNumWorkerThreads(int numThreads)
Set the number of worker threads.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setPCBCTimeoutTimerNumTicks(int numTicks)
Set number of ticks that used for
HashedWheelTimer that used by PCBC to timeout request. |
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setPCBCTimeoutTimerTickDurationMs(long tickDuration)
Set the tick duration in milliseconds that used for
HashedWheelTimer that used by PCBC to timeout
requests. |
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setReadEntryTimeout(int timeout)
Set the timeout for read entry request.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setReadTimeout(int timeout)
setReadEntryTimeout(int) or setAddEntryTimeout(int) instead |
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setSpeculativeReadTimeout(int timeout)
Set the speculative read timeout.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setTaskExecutionWarnTimeMicros(long warnTime)
Set task execution duration which triggers a warning.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setThrottleValue(int throttle)
Set throttle value.
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setTimeoutTaskIntervalMillis(long timeoutMillis)
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setZkServers(String zkServers)
Set zookeeper servers to connect
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setZkTimeout(int zkTimeout)
Set zookeeper timeout
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